Demand from data analytics jobs is greater than supply from universities

Jim Ericson at Information Management Magazine is exploring an interesting problem or opportunity in the US job market – depending on which side of the job market you are on. There seems to be many unfilled job openings for technical positions ranging from information systems to statistical analysts, meaning our workforce isn’t supplying enough. So while there are stubbornly high unemployment rates nationally, not enough of our students are either interested in these fields or are being provided the right kind of training in schools.

But there are some academic programs that are trying to change this, and we at InetSoft, are trying to do our part. We have been offering to donate licenses for our business intelligence software to colleges and graduate schools to give students the hands-on experience with visual analysis and dashboarding tools like those they should be able to use once they enter a career in data analytics.

To read the extended interview of Professor Rosenthal and hear his explanation of the trends across universities and what Seton Hall’s Stillman School of Business is doing follow here: