InetSoft Webinar: Demonstration of How to Analyze Drug Uptake Data

Below is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft in August 2019 on the topic of Using Claims Intelligence in Healthcare. The presenter is Abhishek Gupta, Chief Data Scientist at InetSoft.

Continuing our demonstration of how to analyze drug uptake data, we can start to organize this particular view to understand are there particular states where this injectable has been used more frequently than others? So we can organize the 339 hospitals and see how much penetration is taking place at that statewide level to really consider how we may want to send out our teams and our account managers to be able to partner with other competitive hospitals in the area to support the uptake of that drug.

It is very nice to not only know where the injectable is actually being utilized, but also to know where the injectable is not being utilized and how that might inform your strategy going forward. As a brief recap here, there are a couple of different ways to actually think about tackling the ability to look at a drug uptake and an analysis around that. The first is you can think about searching by relevant medical claims, by NDC code about something that's important to you.

The other thing you can do is you can actually think about linking medical diagnosis from the claims to the injection data to actually give you the opportunity to think about what diagnoses are related to what injectables, and find out do those kind of multiple diagnoses actually influence what your strategy looks like.

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Then finally, the third strategy here, you can think about identifying who those prescribing docs are, what their trends have been over time as you've initially launched from, month zero to month one to month two and so forth. Then you can look at what that translates into from a reimbursement perspective.

As you take a step back and look at the different ways to actually look at drug uptake, what's really important here is understanding and being able to double down on where progress is being made. Then another benefit is also being able to rework reset strategies that might be lagging in markets that are really important to the success of that launch.

The third and final use case that we're going to go ahead and explore is really focused on territory planning. The goal here is to understand how a sales organization might be able to determine not only what their addressable market is, but then think about the hiring plan or the sales organization, between leadership and reps that would actually enable their success in that market.

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Understanding what your addressable market is, is one of the most important factors to actually being able to have a successful sales plan to be able to execute on. In order to come up with a TAM or that total addressable market, a simple way of actually doing that is thinking about the use of claims data and volumes to be able to understand what is the market. From there, you can understand important things like who do you need to hire? Where do you need to place those individuals? And how do you actually think about building a strategy between the leadership component and some of the feet on the street from the sales reps that might be able to help you kind of maximize the opportunity that's in front of you.

To speak a little bit more specifically, you can think about understanding counts of patients or doctors who actually fit within your target profile. You can understand and identify physician affiliations using both proprietary research and claims data that might underlie your addressable market. Then you can also think about being able to assess a physician's alignment within a particular IDN where they may work that may influence how you actually think about kind of coming up with your sales strategy going forward.

Now that we've walked through that example of being able to understand what that postpartum market looks like, let's analyze the states in which you're actually seeing these diagnoses and see how you can go down to more granular level to understand that physicians billing for that code. One of the other factors that is really important is understanding the alignment of those physicians to integrated delivery networks or health systems.

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If the physician is highly aligned or tightly aligned to the idea it may demand that you think about actually bringing a top-down sales strategy model, where you have one sales team member working at the IDN level and then one sales team member working with the individual physicians. Alternatively, if you have physicians who are loosely aligned with an integrated delivery network, you may want to think about a different type of sales composition for your strategy.

Maybe you have one sales team member at the IDN, and then you actually have multiple sales team members that are working with all of the different physicians to really be able to maximize how quickly you can achieve your sales. Through these three examples and use cases that we've talked about, I think you can all really see how important it is to use commercial claims in order to drive your strategies for each of your businesses forward.

That really might be about thinking about sales and territory planning, as we just discussed. It could really be about understanding the uptake of a new drug and market to understand what your initial strategy should look like. Alternatively, it could really be focused on understanding what are those spheres of influence that make your drug successful are, and market over time for different indications. What's important here are a couple of different highlights: having access to this claim data and interface especially with the reporting features makes it really easy to get to those healthcare organizations or those health care physicians and professionals that may be best for you to start to target and work with.

Previous: Use Case of Maximizing Drug Launches with Analytics Next: The Value of Analyzing Physician Drug Adoption Rates