Are you looking for simple and useful ways to view vital information about your business in today's markets? Data visualization may be exactly what you're looking for!
Data Visualization is the means by which more and more organizations are answering key questions about their businesses. Visualization is literally the presentation of information, such as complex numbers and statistics, in a clear and beautiful way through mediums such as bar and line graphs, or pie charts.
Visualizations have advanced in the post-digital age to become much more dynamic, interactive, and present even more crucial information. In fact, visualizations deliver important stories and messages about one's business operations, trends, performance, and more, in novel ways.
Data visualization enables decision makers and end users alike to sift through important information and numbers quickly, and at that, with much more ease than before when people had to read long spreadsheets and try to understand lots of complex data.
With a visual display of all that complex data, users are empowered with a better understanding of the information - numbers may look different when taken from a spreadsheet and plugged into an attractive and dynamic chart. This shift in perception allows people to perhaps see things they did not previously and therefore become more informed, spot trends, monitor key metrics more closely, and essentially become more efficient decision makers for their business.
Vital business numbers and information coupled with attractiveness and interactivity suddenly bring a simple display of information to an accessible and visible way to become more successful as an enterprise. Visuals provide deeper insights into key metrics, which in turn allow a business to solve their problems more efficiently and quicker - perhaps a moving gradient on a chart allows a CEO to spot a declining trend that he or she would have otherwise NOT noticed on a static spreadsheet. Now, management is making better plans for the organization's future. Plus, it did not take hours of sifting through complicated data.
Visuals are fast becoming a highly valued tool for gaining a a true sense of business performance. Previously, a manager might have been able to see how each of his sales people were doing in a quarter. With the power of visuals, that same manager may compare each quarter, each sales person, and further, find the answers to exploratory questions such as "What are the characteristics and trends among our highest paying customers?"
Further, a manager may not remember exactly how much revenue each department made in a quarter, but he or she may very well remember how big or small a visual bubble representing each department was. Visuals lead to improved management.
Data visualization tools can also:
InetSoft offers data visualization tools that are easy, agile, and robust. InetSoft has pioneered the evolution from static reporting towards interactive visualization of data. InetSoft's Style Intelligence software is a dynamic visualization tool for any business in need of turning complex data and numbers into a clear and useful presentation of information.
InetSoft uses point and click technology for an environment meant to be driven by the end users' specific business needs. Style Intelligence also has analytic capabilites that provide deeper insights into any business. Data analysis is sped up by condensing dozens of static reports into a single powerful interactive multi-dimensional analytical view, allowing users to sift through loads of data that otherwise might have taken dozens of clicks through dozens of static reports.
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