An Alternative to Actuate Reporting Tools

Selecting Business Intelligence (BI) solutions for an organization is hard, risky, and inherently biased. But the process is made easier by the G2 Crowd review platform with its real-time, transparent and unbiased user reviews.

This helps an organization to objectively assess what is best by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd, limiting the risk, and finding out what works. The reviews are validated by G2 Crowd thereby helping organizations make better buying decisions.

G2 Crowd recently compared InetSoft Style Intelligence with Actuate's BIRT solution. InetSoft outranked BIRT in every category.

Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility.

Choosing Style Intelligence over Actuate's BIRT


InetSoft won all of the general usage ratings - Meets Requirements, Ease of Use, Quality of Support, Ease of Doing Business With, and Product Direction. The speed with which dashboards and reports can be churned out has been a great reason for reviewers to recommend Style Intelligence. InetSoft also scored big under Quality of Support with its very responsive support staff and quick resolution of customer queries. The Product Direction parameter was also ranked favorably with the extensive "how to" reference videos on numerous topics and the mentoring service from InetSoft to kick-start an organization's efforts in the BI space.

Dashboards and Scorecards were the categories where Style Intelligence was lauded for its robustness and described as a complete and powerful go-to tool for visual data analysis. These categories were evaluated under the Reports section aimed to strengthen an organization's reporting by balancing the visual images and the reports in the right proportions to gain valuable insights into critical decisions making.

List of Areas Where InetSoft Ranked Higher than Actuate's BIRT

The detailed list of categories & parameters of how InetSoft Style Intelligence scored over BIRT is presented below. Please click here or the G2 logo to go over the individual reviews.

  • Meets Requirements
  • Ease of Use
  • Quality of Support
  • Product Direction (% Positive)

  • Read Dashboard Reviews
  • Reports Interface
  • Steps to Answer
  • Graphs and Charts
  • Score Cards
  • Dashboards

  • View 2-min Dashboard Demo
    data intelligence
    Learn how InetSoft's data intelligence technology is central to delivering efficient business intelligence.

    More Resources About Reporting Tools

    API for Report Template Replet - InetSoft's advanced reporting software includes a Java style API for controlling many aspects of report production in a programmatic fashion. When a template is registered as a replet, the replet engine uses TemplateReplet class to create a replet Java object internally. If a template-based replet requires user interactions, such as drilldown or customization, the interactions have to be added as Java event handlers. Most of these features can be implemented using the Scripting capabilities in the Designer...

    Collection of Visual Analysis Examples - In this visual mortality analysis you can easily wring out a huge variety of statistics surrounding national mortality. The visuals can be displayed by age, race, gender or cause. You can filter out specific diseases within each Cause or zoom in for an intimate analysis within certain communities. Easily spot the major causes or drill down to find the way certain causes affect demographics differently...

    Comparing Business Intelligence and Business Analytics - What is the difference between business intelligence and business analytics? Since the two words are often incorrectly used interchangeably, the distinction can be confusing. Business intelligence is an umbrella term that refers to the methods, processes, and technologies which organizations use to turn large amounts of data into actionable information...

    Culture of Proactive Performance Management - So building a culture of proactive performance management involves having the team involved in creating those performance measures by understanding what's being measured and why it's being measured, how it fits into the larger strategic plan, and how it's aligned with their own individual incentives. This drives a culture where people are proactively looking to improve performance and proactively looking to avoid problems or fix problems before they become critical...

    Example of a Call Center Dashboard - Call center dashboards are needed in order to monitor key metrics that can change on a minute-to-minute basis. Therefore, data needs to be accessed in real time and be readily available to all team members throughout the day. InetSoft offers companies a comprehensive solution to tracking key metrics such as success rate, productivity, service level, and more in order to increase company efficiency and decrease overhead costs...

    Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility.

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    Report Server Configuration Troubleshooting - None of my settings have taken effect. If your configuration files are in a folder other than the classes folder of the web application, a sree.home initialization parameter must be set for both the administrator and the repository servlets...

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    Visualizing Too Much Data - But what if there was too much data? How would you be able to decipher the information that's needed? While data visualization can be very complex, it doesn't have to feel too complex. Therefore, consider doing more than one form of data visualization. In other words, have some data visualized in a certain way, while another group of data is visualized differently, and so on...