Does Your Reporting Software Meet AdHoc Needs?

Looking to design or modify interactive reports yourself, without outside help? The ability to transform data into charts and tables for easier analysis is something that more business users are looking to take into their own hands. Perhaps you’ve tried to work with experts and had difficulty communicating exactly what you were looking for in your reports. There’s a solution for independently creating the reports that you want, one that requires only a small amount of learning.

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Easy Interactive Reports

InetSoft’s Style Intelligence is an easy, agile, and robust adhoc report software that allows users to create interactive displays of information, available anytime for online viewing and analysis. It's evident that reporting is important in everyday business, and information requirements are constantly changing. Adhoc reporting tools are typically designed for database experts, so without knowledge of SQL and other languages, users cannot create and revise their own reports without relying on developers or IT staff. With InetSoft’s product, users can easily include or modify any details or data fields they want, without any IT intervention. These interactive reports can be edited by other end users based on their permission level, changing chart types and dimensions, and bookmarking their customized views.

Accessible Adhoc Reporting

Since business reports are complex, report writers often use large applications that require immense skills and knowledge, but InetSoft’s adhoc tool is web-based and easy to use. There’s no need to understand database query language or data structures. InetSoft’s Style Intelligence automatically handles all the technical details of accessing data, offering you and your users, reports in a web-based interface that can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection, on desktops, laptops, phones and tablets.

manufacturing reporting example
Read the top 10 reasons for selecting InetSoft as your BI partner.

Case Study: Enhancing Jury Consulting Services with Ad Hoc Reporting Software

JurorLogic, a leading Jury Consulting Services firm, provides comprehensive services to legal teams, helping them select the most favorable jurors for their cases. Their services include mock trials, juror profiling, and post-trial juror interviews. With a growing client base and the increasing complexity of cases, JurorLogic faced significant challenges in managing and analyzing large volumes of data efficiently. To overcome these challenges, the firm decided to integrate ad hoc reporting software into their operations.


Before the integration of ad hoc reporting software, JurorLogic encountered several key challenges:

  1. Data Overload: The firm handled vast amounts of data from various sources, including juror questionnaires, demographic data, and trial observations. Managing this data manually was time-consuming and prone to errors.
  2. Inefficient Reporting: Generating reports for clients required significant time and effort, often leading to delays. Standardized reports did not always meet the unique needs of different cases.
  3. Limited Data Analysis: Without advanced tools, in-depth data analysis was limited. Identifying trends and patterns in juror behavior and preferences was challenging.
  4. Client Demands: Clients increasingly demanded more detailed and customized reports, which the existing systems struggled to provide efficiently.


JurorLogic implemented InetSoft's ad hoc reporting software to address these challenges. This powerful tool allowed the firm to create custom reports on demand, perform complex data analyses, and present data in a more meaningful way.


The implementation process involved the following steps:

  1. Data Integration: InetSoft's software was integrated with JurorLogic's existing databases, ensuring seamless access to all relevant data sources.
  2. Training: JurorLogic's staff received comprehensive training on how to use the ad hoc reporting tool. This included creating custom queries, designing reports, and interpreting data.
  3. Customization: The software was customized to meet the specific needs of Jury Consulting Services. Templates were developed for common reports, and custom fields were added to capture specific juror attributes.
  4. Testing: Before full deployment, the system was rigorously tested to ensure accuracy and reliability. Pilot projects were conducted to refine the reporting process.


The integration of ad hoc reporting software brought numerous benefits to JurorLogic:

  1. Enhanced Data Management: The software allowed for efficient data integration and management. Large volumes of data could be processed quickly and accurately.
  2. Customizable Reports: JurorLogic could now generate tailored reports for each client, addressing their specific needs and preferences. This increased client satisfaction and trust.
  3. Improved Data Analysis: Advanced analytical tools enabled the identification of trends and patterns in juror behavior. This provided valuable insights for trial strategies.
  4. Time Efficiency: Report generation time was significantly reduced. What previously took hours or days could now be done in minutes, allowing JurorLogic to respond more swiftly to client requests.
  5. Competitive Advantage: The ability to provide detailed and customized reports gave JurorLogic a competitive edge in the market. Their services became more attractive to potential clients.

Case Example

In one high-profile case, JurorLogic was hired by a legal team defending a major corporation in a complex lawsuit. The case involved numerous potential jurors with diverse backgrounds. Using the ad hoc reporting software, JurorLogic was able to:

  1. Analyze Demographics: Quickly analyze the demographics of the juror pool to identify those most likely to be sympathetic to the corporation's case.
  2. Create Mock Juror Profiles: Develop detailed profiles of ideal jurors based on historical data and trends identified by the software.
  3. Generate Customized Reports: Provide the legal team with customized reports highlighting key juror characteristics and potential biases.
  4. Present Visual Data: Use visual data presentations to make complex information more accessible and understandable for the legal team.

As a result, the legal team felt more confident in their juror selection process and was better prepared for trial. The trial concluded with a favorable verdict for the corporation, and the legal team attributed much of their success to the insights provided by JurorLogic.