ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting

Style Intelligence is not a native ASP.NET application, but a Java server application, that is completely compatible with an ASP.NET environment.

As a 100% Web-based solution, Style Intelligence offers users rapid implementation with low upkeep investment.

A powerful patent-pending technology called Data Block™ enables great self-service, flexibility, and overall efficiency via real-time data mashup and re-usable data access queries.

Style Intelligence offers users the capacity to serve data needs in a single, compact, multi-paneled dashboard, rather than paging through dozens of static reports offered by other BI providers.

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View a 2-minute demonstration of InetSoft's easy, agile, and robust BI software. example for marketing example for healthcare example for hospitals


A professional authoring tool combines word-processing grade architecture with active data manipulation.

Key benefits include the ability to:

  • Convey professional, high fidelity presentations
  • Transform and manage raw data
  • Embed business logic with scripting
  • Enhance manageability and dexterity

Style Intelligence can deliver on-demand reports on the Web. In-report exploration capabilities empower business users with the ability to reshape information in real time.

Key benefits includes the ability to:

  • Compile up-to-the-minute information
  • Adjust reports in real time
  • Minimize performance bottlenecks

InetSoft’s AJAX and Web 2.0 technology brings a desktop-grade Web user experience to ad hoc query and reporting.

Key benefits are the ability to:

  • Furnish professionally designed reports
  • Gather information by self-service queries
  • Produce presentation quality reports on the Web


Integration can be as simple or as complex as a user desires. By nature of it being a Web application, Style Intelligence allows all directives to be sent to the server via a simple Web URL.

InetSoft's recommended approach is to use IFRAMES (see the more resources section below). The source of that IFRAME will point to an InetSoft server instance. Users can set up a seamless sign-on to the InetSoft report portal by passing in the "userid" and "password" as URL parameters or hidden form fields. They can selectively skin out portions of the InetSoft portal and embed them in the ASP as they see fit. example for government

Case Study: Enhancing Decision-Making in Medical Robotics with ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting

In the rapidly advancing field of medical robotics, data-driven decision-making is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring the highest standards of patient care. MediBotics, a leading company in the medical robotics industry, faced challenges in managing and analyzing vast amounts of operational and clinical data. To overcome these challenges, MediBotics implemented ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting, a powerful tool for creating dynamic, on-the-fly reports. This case study explores how MediBotics leveraged ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting to enhance their decision-making processes, improve operational efficiency, and drive innovation.


MediBotics specializes in developing robotic-assisted surgical systems and automated medical devices. Their products are designed to improve surgical precision, reduce recovery times, and enhance patient outcomes. As the company expanded, so did the complexity and volume of their data. MediBotics needed a flexible and robust reporting solution to help them analyze this data and make informed decisions.

Before adopting ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting, MediBotics faced several key challenges:

  1. Data Silos: Data was stored in disparate systems, making it difficult to gain a comprehensive view of operations and performance.
  2. Static Reports: Existing reporting tools provided static reports that lacked the flexibility needed for in-depth analysis.
  3. Time-Consuming Processes: Generating reports was a time-consuming process that required significant IT involvement, delaying decision-making.
  4. Limited User Access: Non-technical users found it challenging to create and customize reports, limiting their ability to extract valuable insights.

Implementation of ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting

To address these challenges, MediBotics implemented ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting, leveraging its capabilities for dynamic report creation and customization. The implementation process involved several key steps:

  1. Data Integration: MediBotics integrated data from various sources, including their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, customer relationship management (CRM) system, and clinical databases, into a unified data warehouse. This integration provided a comprehensive view of their data.

  2. Report Customization: ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting allowed users to create and customize reports without needing extensive technical knowledge. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface enabled users to build reports tailored to their specific needs.

  3. Real-Time Analysis: The solution provided real-time data access, enabling users to generate up-to-date reports and gain timely insights into operational and clinical performance.

  4. User Training: Comprehensive training sessions were conducted to ensure that all users, from executives to frontline staff, could effectively use the new reporting tools. Ongoing support was also provided to address any technical issues and optimize usage.


The implementation of ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting had a significant impact on MediBotics' operations and decision-making processes:

  1. Enhanced Data Visibility: By integrating data from multiple sources, MediBotics gained a holistic view of their operations. This improved visibility enabled better monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) and identification of trends and patterns.

  2. Improved Efficiency: The ability to create and customize reports on the fly significantly reduced the time required to generate insights. Users could quickly access the information they needed, leading to faster and more informed decision-making.

  3. Empowered Users: Non-technical users were empowered to create and customize their own reports, reducing their reliance on IT and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making across the organization.

  4. Real-Time Insights: Real-time data access allowed MediBotics to monitor performance and respond to issues as they arose. This agility was particularly beneficial in optimizing supply chain management, improving clinical outcomes, and enhancing customer service.

  5. Strategic Decision-Making: With access to comprehensive and up-to-date data, executives could make strategic decisions with greater confidence. This included identifying new market opportunities, optimizing resource allocation, and driving innovation in product development.

Case Example: Optimizing Surgical Robot Utilization

One of the most significant impacts of ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting was seen in the optimization of surgical robot utilization. MediBotics needed to ensure that their robotic-assisted surgical systems were being used effectively to maximize return on investment and improve patient outcomes.

Implementation and Results:

  1. Utilization Reports: Using ASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting, MediBotics created detailed utilization reports that tracked the usage of each surgical robot. These reports included metrics such as the number of procedures performed, downtime, and maintenance schedules.

  2. Trend Analysis: The real-time analysis capabilities allowed MediBotics to identify usage trends and patterns. For example, they discovered that certain robots were underutilized in specific hospitals due to scheduling conflicts or lack of trained personnel.

  3. Resource Allocation: Based on the insights gained from the reports, MediBotics reallocated resources to optimize robot utilization. This included adjusting maintenance schedules to minimize downtime and providing additional training to hospital staff.

  4. Improved Outcomes: The optimized utilization of surgical robots led to an increase in the number of procedures performed, reduced wait times for patients, and improved overall patient outcomes. Additionally, the company saw a significant return on investment through better resource management.

Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting.

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