How to Create an Intranet Dashboard
Creating an intranet dashboard with InetSoft is extremely simple, and can be achieved by ordinary business users without any special programming or IT support. The three basic steps are to connect to your data sources, add components to your dashboard, and then use the dashboard anytime, anywhere. The following section will walk through these easy steps:
1. Connect to your data
InetSoft makes it easy to connect to your business data sources, whether they are relational databases such as Oracle or SQL Server, or something as simple as an Excel spreadsheet or text file. Dozens of data source connections are built-in, and custom data sources can be easily connected.
Add components to a dashboard
You can drag and drop many kinds of components onto your dashboard. The following sections discuss the different types of components that are typically used in an intranet dashboard.
Data View Components
The most important components on a dashboard are typically data view components: Charts, Crosstabs, and Tables. Use these components to display the large quantities of data that you need to communicate to your team. You can choose from a wide variety of chart types, such as bar, line, radar, Gantt, network, donut, bubble, area, contour, map, wordcloud, and many more to best convey the data. Charts can display many dimensions and measures to suit your particular needs, and provide many built-in features such as tooltips, drilldowns, hyperlinks, zoom, brush, and so on.
Filter Components
Add filter components to make your dashboard interactive so that users can slice and dice the data and find views that reveal the knowledge they need. Filters include Selection Lists and Trees, Range Sliders, and Calendars. Adding these filter components instantly makes the dashboard adaptable and customizable with little or no work.
Form Components
Use Form components to add another level of interactivity to dashboards. These components allow a user to input their own information, or adjust other properties on the dashboard, such as the dimensions and measures displayed on a chart. The available Form elements include ComboBoxes (menus), RadioButtons, Sliders, Text Input, and File Upload.
Output Components
Output components complement data view components in displaying data, but are typically focused on KPIs, the essential single-value metrics that users need to track, such as “expenses this month,” or “average call wait time,” or “machine downtime.” These key values can be automatically displayed using formatted text or using a variety of different gauges, or a combination of the two.