It's too little, so you’ll beg, adjust your request and say, well, let’s look at everybody who’s given over $10,000.00. Now you’re up with 600 people, and you start iterating this, at some point you’ve got to invite people to the events so you just send out against the list whatever you think before you get the data back. That’s sort of the problem there.
The other side of this is Excel where teams will download extracts out of the core systems and slice and dice them in excel. It’s a time consuming and challenging process. You don’t get all the data because you start by getting one part of one table and realize later it’s not all that you need. It’s hard to show management because it's is a spreadsheet. Another problem is it creates shadow data systems because people then start modifying what's in the spreadsheet and it sort of creates its own life.
So one of our visions and missions is to break the cycle of pain, and the new technology that we and others have adopted to do that is data visualization. We’ll talk about that. Data visualization helps you see the data. This helps you get access to the data faster, better and more flexibly. This helps you understand the data better because you can see it. And predictive analytics applies mathematical modeling to help you understand patterns in it.
And when you apply these facts in an organization, it's not one size fits all. Operational reporting can span the organization. It is actually frontline reports for operational people. There are top line reports, performance scorecards and dashboards. They tend to focus on the top because they are summary related. Data Discovery and Analysis, as you see, spans the organization. It has got a wide range of users but is fundamentally different than these others, too. And then advanced analytics tend to be a capability for power users business analysts. So one model here in business intelligence is you need a mosaic of these things to fit the needs of your organization, and it's not a monolithic one size fits all.