Eric Kavanagh: Our next guest. Segue right into Rich Walker from Denodo Technologies. Hey, welcome back to DM Radio. Rich Walker: Thanks, I appreciate it.
Eric Kavanagh: Oh, you got a little bit of buzz on your line there, probably go back to your headset, and tell you what, we will bring in Ian Pestel in the meantime, hopefully, he is ready. Ian, welcome to DM Radio from way across the pond, right? Ian Pestel: Yes, that’s right. Yes, good afternoon, and thanks for having me on the show.
Eric Kavanagh: Sure. I think you are a little bit softer, probably just because you are a thousands mile away or more. I guess it's further than that.
Ian Pestel: Okay, I will try to speak louder.
Eric Kavanagh: Sure, thanks. So let’s talk about, well, you guys talk about data virtualization. That’s certainly a way to avoid some bottlenecks is to identify certain data sets or data feeds where either they are not that critical or they don’t have to go through the traditional process, the batch ETL process, in order to get where they need to go. But I am guessing that’s something that you often recommend to customers right.