Looking for a better web-based BI solution?
The accelerated growth in the use and ease-of-use of BI tools has created the need for a way to make BI more accessible to users across an organization. InetSoft has answered that need perfectly with Style Intelligence, a secure, web-based BI platform which can be accessed by anyone with a web browser.
This highly intuitive, mobile-friendly software consolidates an entire organization's data into a single source of information that can be accessed in the office or out in the field, making it easier to share and analyze actionable findings on a larger scale.
Having a BI solution available via a web browser enables expanding organizations to make BI accessible to offices all over the globe. The ability to host a BI platform on a single server or server cluster and make it available to an entire organization eliminates the added costs of hosting individual solutions at different locations.
With the increase in the popularity of cloud computing, and the increase in telecommuting, web-based BI is fast becoming far more convenient than desktop-based software. A web-based platform enables your employees to easily collaborate on BI projects, and makes findings instantly available to all who are granted access.