InetSoft Product Information: Dashboard Objects
This section lists objects for use with interactive dashboard software and visual analyses.
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Tab Object
A Tab element advances the printing to the next tab stop. The Tab element also serves as the superclass of the Text Object : The properties defined in the Tab element are also available in a Text element for controlling the behavior of tabs in the text string.
Text Object
Text elements are the most commonly used report element. They can display simple lines of text or full paragraphs.
Specifies a hyperlink to a report, element target, or a URL.
Heading Object
A heading object is a special Text element. Like a regular Text element, a heading object displays a block of text. In addition, a heading object has a heading level, which has two uses:
• The heading level determines the heading number (e.g., 1.2, 2.1.1., etc.) that is added to the heading text.
• The heading level is used to construct the Table of Contents, if the report contains one.
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Table Object
Table elements display tabular data. Tables can flow across pages, or horizontally break between pages. By default, table sizes (including column width and row heights) are automatically calculated based on the cell contents.
You can use built-in table styles to control display attributes such as font, color, and alignment. Therefore, a report application normally does not need to specify many table attributes in script.
The Table bindingInfo Property
The Table bindingInfo property provides access to functions controlling the data binding of a table element. This includes changes to hidden columns, summary columns, group columns, and option settings. The following sections introduce the functions provided by the bindingInfo property.
The groupedTable Property
The groupedTable property provides functions that return information about group boundaries.
Freehand Table Object
In addition to all of the properties of a regular Table Object , the Freehand Table has one property uniquely associated with it.
Painter Object
The Painter object serves as the base for all float elements: TextBox Object , Field Object , Chart Object, Image Object, etc. It defines common properties for positions and sizes of float elements.
TextBox Object
A TextBox element defines a rectangular area on the page in which to display a text paragraph. It can have borders, and can be positioned on a page using an anchor.
Chart Object
The Chart element presents datasets as visual graphs.
General Chart Properties
This section presents general Chart properties.
Specifies the query bound to the Chart element.
Specifies the EGraph object to be rendered by the Chart element.
General Axis Properties
This section presents the general properties available for both dimensions and measures. Properties should be prefixed by one of the following:
axis['Dimension Name'], or
axis['Measure Name']
Graph1.axis['Company'].lineColor = [0,255,255];
Graph1.axis['Sum(Total)'].lineColor = [0,255,255];
Sets the visibility of the dimension or measure axis labels.
Sets the visibility of the axis tick marks for a dimension or measure.
Measure Axis Properties
This section presents the properties available specifically for a measure axis. Properties should be prefixed by axis['Measure Name'].
Sets the maximum value for a measure axis.
Sets logarithmic scaling for a measure axis.