Users of InetSoft's reporting software can greatly improve the performance of reports by allowing users to
distribute materialized report views that vastly improve report run-time. View the information below to learn
more about the Style Intelligence solution.
A materialized view is a construct in which data is pre-aggregated and cached, enabling Viewsheet results to
be more quickly computed at runtime. When a materialized view exists, the report engine attempts to query the
cached view rather than the original database tables, which may significantly reduce the run time for certain
Only Viewsheets that contain aggregated data can be considered candidates for materialized views. For best
performance, aggregation should generally be performed in the worksheet rather than in the Viewsheet. To
improve performance, you can distribute a materialized view across multiple machines. Materialized views are
available only for Viewsheets.
Materialized views can be managed from the 'Repository' > 'Materialized View' node under the Server tab.
The following sections provide more information about management.
You can manage existing materialized views from the 'Materialized View' page under the 'Repository' node of
the Server tab. The 'Delete' button deletes the selected materialized view, which may be useful if changes
have been made to the underlying database schemas.
You can improve Viewsheet performance substantially by distributing materialized views across multiple
machines or nodes. In this case, the materialized dataset that Enterprise Manager generates for the Viewsheet
is saved in its entirety on each individual node. This allows the Viewsheet server to pull small blocks of
data from each of the nodes, minimizing the input-output demands (hard disk access) on a particular machine.
The reduced input-output load allows the Viewsheet to be generated and updated much more quickly. For this
reason also, best performance is achieved by using a large number of average machines, rather than a small
number of very powerful machines.
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