Reporting Software - Modifying Report Data Source

Modifying the report data source allows users of InetSoft's reporting software to make ad hoc changes to reports that are difficult to accomplish via traditional data warehousing techniques. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.


This section explains how to use the built-in Ant task to automatically change the data source definition.
To use the built-in Ant task to automatically change the data source definition, follow the steps below:

1. Make sure Ant-related jar files and sree_pro.jar (or alternates visual_pro.jar, bisuite_pro.jar) are included on the classpath.

2. Create an Ant task definition in build.xml as follows:

<taskdef name="dsm" classname="inetsoft.uql.util.dsm.DataSourceModifier"/>

3. Within an Ant target, include the <dsm> tag as follows:

<dsm restore="true" dsfile="datasource.xml">


'restore' is set to true to restore data source file after deployment
'dsfile' specifies the data source file's absolute path

Thus, use the dss task to modify the datasource.xml and use the war or jar task to create a webapp. If restore=true, the datasource.xml file will be restored back to its original state after the build is finished.

4. Depending on the type of database, within the <dsm> tag, define one of the attributes listed under available DSM tags.

5. Run the Ant task.
his section lists the available attributes for the <dsm> tag. You do not need to specify all the attributes listed here, only the ones that you wish to modify.


This tag is to be used when the data source is of type 'JDBC'.

<ds_jdbc name="DB2" url="jdbc_url" driver="jdbc_driver"

requireLogin="true" user="jdbc_user"


'name' is the jdbc data source's name

'url' is the jdbc data source's new url

'driver' is the jdbc data source's new driver

'requireLogin' is true if the jdbc data source requires login

'user' is the jdbc data source's new user if requires login

'password' is the jdbc data source's new password if requires login

'defaultDB' is the jdbc data source's new defaultDB


This tag is to be used when the data source is of type 'Text'.

<ds_text name="chart" url="text_url" method="get"/>

'name' is the text data source's name

'url' is the text data source's new url

'method' is the text data source's new method: ["get"|"post"|""]


This tag is to be used when the data source is of type 'Corba'.

<ds_corba name="Bank" host="corba_host" port="corba_port"/>

'name' is the corba data source's name

'host' is the corba data source's new host

'port' is the corba data source's new port


This tag is to be used when the data source is of type 'EJB'.

<ds_ejb name="record_on_weblogic5">

<contextProperty name="cp1" value="cp1_value"/>

<contextProperty name="cp2" value="cp2_value"/>


'name' is the ejb data source's name

'name' and 'value' within the <contextProperty> tags are the context property's name and value, respectively


This tag is to be used when the data source is of type 'XML'.

<ds_xml name="xml1" url="xml_url" method="post"/>

'name' is the xml data source's name

'url' is the xml data source's new url

'method' is the xml data source's new method: ["get"|"post"|""]


This tag is to be used when the data source is of type 'SOAP'.

<ds_soap url=”http://localhost:8080/axis/services/TempConvertWS” serverclass=”” requireLogin=”true” user=”Tom” password =”enter”>

'url' is the soap data source's new url

'serverclass' is the soap data source's new server class

'requireLogin' is true if the soap data source requires login

'user' is the soap data source's new user if requires login

'password' is the soap data source's new password if requires login