InetSoft's Report Cache and Disk Quota

Users of InetSoft's reporting software can adjust the report cache and disk quota in order to free resouces and improve performance. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

The report engine possesses an internal page cache. When the user opens a report or Viewsheet, the report engine generates page objects for the report or Viewsheet, and stores these objects in the internal cache.

You can configure this cache from the 'Repository' > 'Cache' page under the Server tab. The 'Directory' field specifies the location of the cache directory (, which by default is the 'temp' directory in SREE Home.

By default, all temporary files are removed when the server starts up. In cases where multiple applications are using the same cache directory and automatic removal is not desired, you can disable this behavior by deselecting 'Clean up on startup'. A given file is kept in the cache for no more than one hour. To specify a different time limit, this can be specified in the 'Maximum Age' field.

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Disk quotas can be specified for individual groups and roles in order to control space on the file system or in the database. The space occupied by the following components counts toward a user's disk quota:

  • Archived reports
  • Generated reports in the 'My Reports' folder.

A particular user's disk quota is either:

  • The maximum of all the maximum disk quotas set for the groups and roles to which that user belongs, or
  • The value specified for the 'Default Max Space', if disk quotas are not individually specified for any of the groups or roles to which that user belongs.
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Disk quotas can be set from the 'Repository' > 'Disk Quota' page under the Server tab. By default, the disk quota is disabled. To set a disk quota, select 'Quota Enabled'. The default disk quota for all the users in the system can be specified using the 'Default Max Space' property. A value of -1 indicates no limit.

It is possible to set a quota for individual groups and roles. This can be done in the following steps:

  1. Click on the 'Add' button.
  2. Select the desired role or group from the appropriate drop down list.
  3. Specify the 'Default Max Space' in megabytes.
  4. Click on the 'Apply' button.

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