A Chart is similar to a Crosstab, but displays the information graphically.
Chart Properties
To set chart properties, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click on the Chart element, and select ‘Properties’ from the
context menu. This opens the properties dialog box.
2. Right-click the region of the chart that you want to edit (e.g., axis
labels, axis title, plot area, legend, etc.), and select the appropriate
‘Property’ option from the right click menu.
This opens a ‘Properties’ dialog box which allows you to configure
the selected element.
In the ‘Interactive’ report, the ‘Sales by Geography’ element is a section. You
must be in Ad Hoc mode to modify a section.
Right-click on the section (if you right-click on a field within the section, use the ‘Section’ sub menu) and select ‘Properties’.
You can change the color, visibility, and borders for all the bands in the section. The three bands in a Section are ‘Header’, ‘Content’, and ‘Footer’.