Report Look and Feel

InetSoft's visualization driven reporting software is loaded with dynamic options that allows executives to customize the report look and feel for a visually appealing experience. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

The global look-and-feel can be set for the entire Portal using this page. The look-and-feel consists of the properties discussed below. It is also possible to control the look-and-feel of the Portal page via a CSS file.

Color Scheme

The five color schemes are Blue, Green, Alloy, Orange, and Vista. The color scheme controls the default colors used on the Portal, report buttons, and any popup windows.

Tab Style

The 'Tab Style' property controls the tabs used on the Portal title bar. The options available are: Simple, Aqua, Windows, and Text.

Report List

The 'Report List' property controls the Portal's Repository style. The default is 'Tree', which displays Repository folders and reports in an hierarchical structure. The 'Expand All Nodes' option pre-expands all of the folders in the Repository tree. The 'List' option displays Repository folders and reports as a flat list using the entire page.


The 'Logo' on the Portal page (and in Enterprise Manager) can be modified by selecting the 'Custom' option and specifying an image file. Select 'Default' to restore the 'InetSoft' logo.

Font Family

The 'Font Family' property specifies the font to be used for the content of the Portal page as well as any popup windows.

Viewsheet CSS

The 'Viewsheet CSS' property specifies a custom CSS file to use for Viewsheet component styles. The CSS file can specify styles for alignment, font, border, and color. See the CSS Tab section of Viewsheet for more information.

To upload a custom Viewsheet CSS file, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the 'Custom' option.
  2. Click the 'Browse...' button. This opens the standard 'File Upload' dia­log box.
    • There can be only a single CSS file at any time.
  3. In the 'File Upload' dialog box, locate your custom CSS file, and click 'Open'. The selected file is now displayed in theViewsheet CSS text field.
  4. Click 'Apply'. This uploads the specified CSS file to the server.

The CSS file is saved as {SREE Home}/portal/format.css. You may need to restart the server for the new style settings to take effect.

Customer Quote

"The more I get into it, the more capabilities I discover that allow me to organize data in ways that make the most sense to me, and excitingly, our users will be able to benefit from these same features. Additionally, Style Intelligence offers truly superior dashboard graphics. Thus, we’ll be able to provide our customers with the ability to create highly polished, professional reports.” - Tadd Meyers, Business Intelligence Manager at NCN

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