InetSoft Documentation: Report Programming
This document is divided into four distinct sections. Some of the key topics are listed below.
An overview of InetSoft concepts and products
The design philosophy behind Style Intelligence and the InetSoft product family.
Three concepts important to InetSoft products: the design patterns used in InetSoft products; the package structure and major classes on the API; and issues of installation and deployment.
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A discussion of report programming, referring to the template-based approach and the programmatic approach.
A description of the Report Designer, which is used to create XML report templates, from a programmatic point of view.
How to import a template file (.srt) into a Java program. Accessing report elements in the template programmatically. An introduction to data binding and exporting a template to different formats.
Description of the API for creating tables and adding a table to a report, as well as various table lens objects, which format tabular data. Use of presenters to visually represent information in a table.
The basic mechanisms of grouping, summarization, and Top N filtering on a group. Discussion of the recommended approach to report creation, which involves Grouping/Summarization and Top N filtering, and programmatic data binding.
A catalog class can be used in conjunction with a property to internationalize Style Intelligence.
Style Intelligence supports the ability to export to a number of different file formats including PDF, Excel, HTML, RTF and CSV.
A discussion of Java API based printing, discussing issues related to programmatic output generation.
A discussion of the API related to server side reporting with Style Intelligence.
A template created using the Designer can be used in an InetSoft server to generate a report with no programming.
A replet is a server side report object. We describe the replet life cycle and the API for programmatically creating replets. Replets can receive parameters, which determines how they will behave. The replet API provides for the handling of client side events and server side events. Replets can also be used to create interactive forms.
InetSoft Enterprise products consist of a report repository (server) that contains several replets (server side reports). A viewer is provided to lookup a report in a repository. The viewer is implemented as a Web based servlet.
Miscellaneous Interactive Reporting Features
Miscellaneous features described include an enhanced Report Designer, with functionality for creating templates that can be used as interactive reports. The Web interface API is also described.
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