InetSoft Documentation: Report Table Transformer

Table transformer classes are table lens classes that project a different view into other table lenses. Style Intelligence provides two built-in table transformers, RotatedTableLens and SubTableLens.


The RotatedTableLens transformer switches the rows and columns of the original table. Suppose we have a table represented by a TableLens object, table1:







We can rotate the table, so the rows in the original table become the columns in the new table,

 layout.addTable(new RotatedTableLens(table1)); 

This would print a table with the rows and columns switched:








The SubTableLens transformer extracts parts of a table as a new table. It supports several ways to specify which parts of the table to extract.

Table 6. SubTableLens extraction methods



SubTableLens(TableLens, int rows[], int cols[])

The new table consists of the cells at the intersections of the rows and columns.

SubTableLens(TableLens, int row, int col, int numrow, int numcol)

The new table consists of the region defined by the number of rows/columns from the upper-left cell (row, col).

SubTableLens(TableLens, Rectangle region)

The region is equivalent to the above construct parameters where region.x == col, region.y == row, region.width == numcol and region.height == numrow.


InetSoft products support the concept of a presenter. A presenter is an object that draws a graphical representation of an object value. A presenter is usually assigned to a particular column of a table. However, it can also be associated with an object type, and then applies to all objects of this type in a document, including the objects added as individual elements using StyleSheet.addObject(Object) and the objects returned from the TableLens.getObject() method. Therefore the presenter is really not strictly a table concept, but is generic to the report. We choose to describe presenters within the context of a table because that is where they are normally used.

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