InetSoft's reporting software allows users to make quick configurations to the report repository properties allowing data queries to be performed at a fraction of the time required with other platforms. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.
Repository properties include specifications for processing and display of reports.
ServletRepository servlet URL.
Repository server protocol, one of RMI, CORBA, and LOCAL.
True to pre-load the TrueType and Type 1 font information. This causes the server startup to be slower. If set to false, the loading is done the first time a PDF file is generated.
Size (# of pages) of the working set.
Report page cache directory. If you would like a separate cache directory for each node of a cluster, set this property as an 'Init Parameter' on each node's servlet.
Time between repository cache cleanup.
Repository XML file path.
A comma separated list of server printers.
A comma separated list of Java classes that implement user defined actions. Each action causes a button to be added to the viewer toolbar. Order is respected.
Describes the server type: rmi, servlet, etc.
Repository tree sorting order: 'none', 'Ascend', or 'Descend'.
The number of threads used for processing reports.
True (default) to allow the engine to deliver report pages as the data becomes available
The number of report pages the engine should generate before streaming is initiated
True for automatic detection and reloading of altered replet classes.
Time in milliseconds between checking for changes in replet classes.
Sets the default class for all Template based replets, instead of 'inetsoft.sree.TemplateReplet'
Caches the data when browsing column values when creating filter conditions. Defaults to false.
True (default) for automatic detection and re-synchronization of report dependencies.
Interval between checks for changes in report dependencies, in milliseconds (default=30000)
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Solution for Creating Online Visual Reports - Looking for software to create nice online visual reports? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples...
What KPIs Should Be on a Retail Dashboard? - In order to find out what prominent metrics can help define future strategies and optimize profits, we must find out what kind of products are underperforming and why. InetSoft's retail dashboard digs deeper into the analytics data by breaking down inventory, units per transaction and shelf delays by months and departments. Here is how InetSoft's retail dashboard steps in: by utilizing Style Scope technology in InetSoft's dashboard, retail managers can measure metrics at different periods of time and visualize them together in one single chart to have a bigger picture of their organization's evolution...
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