Documentation: Report Scheduler Tasks

A scheduler task defines the batch operation to be performed. It specifies the time condition, the reports to be generated and their delivery mechanism (email, print, archive, save to disk, etc.). Both the Enterprise Manager and the InetSoft Report Portal provide interfaces to create, edit, and monitor scheduled tasks.

The following steps are involved in creating a scheduler task:

1. Select the Schedule tab and click on the 'New Task' link, located below the navigation tree. This creates a new task, with the default name 'Task n' (e.g., Task1, Task2, Task3, etc.).

2. Select the Condition tab at the bottom of the editing panel, and spec­ify a condition to determine when the task will execute.

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3. Select the Action tab at the bottom of the editing panel, and specify the type of action to take when the scheduled task executes.

4. Select the Options tab at the bottom of the editing panel, and set options for task execution.

Scheduler Conditions

A scheduler condition is used to determine when the scheduled task executes. There are three types of conditions: Time conditions, Chained (Completion) conditions, and User Defined conditions.


This task will execute every n days (1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc.) at a specified time. The time is specified in HH:mm [am|pm], e.g., 11.39 pm. You can also select the weekday option which will execute the task at the specified time on weekdays.


This task will execute every n weeks (1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc.) at a specified time on a specified day of the week or, optionally, every day of the week. The time is specified in HH:mm [am|pm], e.g., 11.39 pm.


This task will execute every nth day of the specified month/s, or every month. (e.g., 21st day of February, 25th day of November, etc.) at a specified time; or every nth day of the week of a month/s, or every month (e.g., 2nd Sunday of April), at a specified time. The time is specified in HH:mm [am|pm], e.g., 11.39 pm.

Run Once

This task will execute once on a certain day at a specified time, e.g., Nov 25, 2006 at 11.30 am. The time is specified in HH:mm [am|pm], e.g., 11.39 pm.

Chained Condition

A chained condition is based on the completion status of another scheduled task or a scheduled cycle. The condition evaluates to true only when the specified task or the cycle completes successfully, and not otherwise.

A completion condition can be specified by selecting the 'Chained' option and then specifying the scheduled task or the scheduled cycle.

User Defined Condition

In addition to the Time and Chained conditions, User Defined conditions can also be used for a scheduled task. In order to use a User Defined Condition, do the following:

• Create a class which implements inetsoft.sree.schedule.UserCondition or extends inetsoft.sree.schedule.DefaultUserCondition.

• Place this class on the CLASSPATH of the scheduler.

• Select 'User Defined' as the condition type in your task.

• Specify the condition's fully qualified class name in the Condition tab of the task definition.

For ease of use, you can add a line to that sets replet.viewer.conditions to a comma-separated list of classes.

This will populate a drop-down that will set the correct class. When selected, the parameter table will also be populated with the available parameters and default values.