Email and Save to Disk Parameters
The 'Deliver to Emails' subject line uses the java.text.MessageFormat syntax with two properties, the first (index 0) being the report alias, and the second (index 1) being the date and time of report generation. For example, a report with alias 'testReport' and 'Subject' specification
Report named {0}, generated at {1,time} on {1,date}
would produce an email subject line such as the following:
Report named testReport, generated at 10:34:54 AM on Nov 5, 2007
where the time and date shown would be the actual time and date of the report's generation. See below for some examples of date formatting using the java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The report alias is set by an administrator, and may often be the same as the report name.
The filename for the 'Save to Disk' action, and the attachment for the 'Deliver to Emails' action can include the same parameters as the email subject line. However, because of filename restrictions, you cannot use the “{1,time}” syntax. Some examples of automatically generated filenames are shown below.
Specified Filename |
Generated Filename |
myRep_{1,date}.pdf |
myRep_Nov 14, 2007.pdf |
{0}_{1,date}.pdf |
“report alias”_Nov 14, 2007.pdf |
myRep_{1,date,MMM-dd}.pdf |
myRep_Nov-14.pdf |
myRep_{1,date,EEE-h-mm a}.pdf |
myRep_Wed-11-49 AM.pdf |
myRep_{1,date,yy-MM-dd-HH-z}.pdf |
myRep_07-11-14-11-EST.pdf |
The 'Burst Action'
The 'Burst Action' delivers multiple versions of the target report, tailoring each version to the particular recipient. To do this, the report must first be configured for bursting. See Report Bursting in the Report Designer for more details.
'User Defined' action is an advanced topic that applies only to administrators and developers. To create user-defined action, following the steps below:
1. Create a class which implements inetsoft.sree.schedule.ScheduleAction.
2. Add this class to the CLASSPATH of the scheduler.
3. Select the action type to be 'User Defined'
4. Specify its fully qualified class name in the Action tab of the task definition.