InetSoft's reporting software allows users to make the adjustments needed for optimal report server performance. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.
Server performance options are available on the 'Configuration' > 'Performance' page under the Server tab. These options primarily control how data is cached.
The 'Maximum Concurrency' property determines the maximum number of sessions allowed at any given time. Concurrency is the number of simultaneous user sessions that the report engine will support. A user session is initiated when the user logs in, and terminates when the user logs out or when all the reports associated with the user's session time out.
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The 'Composer Live Data Timeout' setting determines the maximum amount of time to allow for 'Live Data' requests in Visual Composer. The timeout setting may not be honored equally by all databases.
The 'Composer Live Data Maximum Row Count' setting determines the maximum number of rows to retrieve for 'Live Data' requests in Visual Composer. The maximum row count setting may not be honored equally by all databases.
The 'Ad Hoc Timeout' setting determines the maximum amount of time to allow for Ad Hoc report requests. The timeout setting may not be honored equally by all databases. See Ad Hoc Reporting for more information.
The 'Ad Hoc Maximum Row Count' setting determines the maximum number of rows to retrieve for Ad Hoc report requests (preview or final report). The maximum row count setting may not be honored equally by all databases. See Ad Hoc Reporting for more information.
The 'Cache Interval' specifies the elapsed time (ms) between cache swaps. At the specified interval, the server checks, swaps, and prunes cached pages according to their age and access time.
A “workset” is the number of report pages that are frequently accessed within a given period of time. For example, if most users only read the first three pages of a report, then the workset is 3. The 'Workset Size' setting is used by the caching algorithm to optimize the swapping of files to disk.
The 'Maximum Reports Per Session' option controls how many reports a session can open and keep active. If a session contains more active reports than the threshold, the older reports are destroyed to conserve memory (FIFO).
The 'Cache Security Provider Data' option, when set to 'true', enables the caching of user, role, and permission information. This is recommended.
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