Creating Report WAR files allows users of InetSoft's reporting software to configure the visual layout of reports. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.
The Servlet 2.2 specification introduced the concept of a Web archive file (WAR). A WAR file is a special JAR file containing all configuration information, classes, and resource files used by the web application. Because the WAR file is self-contained, installing it in a Servlet 2.2 runtime environment is standard across all implementations. A WAR file containing a replet repository and related resources can readily be distributed and deployed in an application server. This section covers the procedures for creating a WAR file in the Enterprise Manager.
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The Servlet 2.2 specification does not mandate the permissions for servlets. The earlier implementations of servlet runtime environments give universal access to servlet applications. However, some newer implementations restrict the servlet's access to system resources, such as files, thread creation, etc. Since the SREE servlet uses local files for configuration, you need to make sure the file access permission is turned on for the web application. If you use a local replet engine in the servlet, you also need to grant access to a thread group.
Using the Deployment Wizard, you can deploy the Administration Servlet, Repository Servlet, Portlet Package, and Soap Package, along with all of the replets in a particular report repository. This action is typically performed after development of the replets has been completed.
The WAR file can be created as follows:
This opens the 'Create Archive' dialog box.
Note: For Version 7.x of WebLogic, specify an “ear” extension rather than the “war” extension, i.e., “sree.ear”.
If Portlet and/or Soap Bundle is selected, war files created using either the Tomcat Deployment Wizard or Standard War File Deployment Wizard will use Apache Axis as the Soap Engine and Pluto as the Portlet Engine. War files created using the WebLogic or WebSphere Deployment Wizard will use the native Soap and Portlet Engines of these respective Application Servers. The exceptions to these rules are WebLogic 6.x which does not support Soap or Portlets, WebSphere 4.x which does not support Soap, and WebSphere 5.x which does not support Portlets.
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