InetSoft Product Instructions: Reporting API Tag Library

The following appendices describe various JSP tags for using InetSoft's Dashboard Reporting API to integrate dashboards and reports in your Web application.

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Cache Tag

The cache tag caches the content of the report page. This tag must be the first report tag in the page. The cache tag is required.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
jspId Unique ID of the cache Yes Any globally unique string

Create Tag

The create tag generates the report and serves any resources required to display the report. This tag must be inserted after the cache tag, but before any other report tags. If there is any HTML content or JSP tags that write HTML content before the create tag, the resourceUri attribute must be set to the URL of the Servlet Repository. The create tag is required. The create tag can contain parameter tags.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
reportId Unique ID of the report Yes Any string that is unique within the JSP
name The name of the report Yes The name of any report in the replet registry
processPage Specifies if the JSP will be processed when the report is not available No true/false
resourceUri The URI of the servlet or JSP that should be used to load report resources No Any valid URL
linkUri The URI that should be used as the base of all links inside the report No Any valid URL
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Parameter Tag

The parameter tag defines parameters that are passed to the report. This tag must be enclosed within a create tag. The parameter tag is optional.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
name The name of the parameter Yes The name of any parameter defined in the report
value The value of the parameter Yes Any valid value
type The data type of the parameter Yes string, number, date, boolean
format The format of the value, if it is a date parameter Only for dates A format string as specified by java. text.SimpleDateFormat
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Header Tag

The header tag includes the CSS style information, JavaScript and any imports required by the report. This tag must be placed within the HTML head tag.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
reportId Unique ID of the report Yes The report ID specified in the create tag
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Body Tag

The body tag writes the report page in the JSP. This tag may be placed anywhere in the HTML body. The body tag is required. The body tag may contain valid HTML or JSP content. This content will be written if the report is not available and the processPage attribute of the create tag is true.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
reportId Unique ID of the report Yes The report ID specified in the create tag
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool.

Toolbar Tag

The toolbar tag inserts the report toolbar as displayed by the Servlet Repository. This tag may be placed anywhere in the HTML body. The toolbar tag is optional. The toolbar tag may contain valid HTML or JSP content. This content will be written if the report is not available and the processPage attribute of the create tag is true.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
reportId Unique ID of the report Yes The report ID specified in the create tag
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Button Tag

The button tag inserts an individual toolbar button into the JSP. This tag may be placed anywhere in the HTML body. Any attributes that are not set will use the default value and all attributes that are specified will override the default settings in the SREE properties file. The button tag is optional. The button tag may contain valid HTML or JSP content. This content will be written if the report is not available and the processPage attribute of the create tag is true.

Attribute Name Description Required Allowed Values
reportId Unique ID of the report Yes The report ID specified in the create tag
type Specifies which button to insert Yes first-page, previous-page, page-box, next-page, last-page, find, find-next, PDF, refresh, archive, export, mail, print, customize, toc, menu, user
image The URL of the image to use as the button's icon No Any valid URL. URLs beginning with resource:// will be loaded from the classpath of the web application. file:// URLs will be loaded from the file system of the server. URLs with the JAR: protocol will be loaded from a JAR file in the file system of the server. Any other URLs will be interpreted as HTTP URLs and will be used exactly as specified.
text The text to use for a text-type button No Any string
useImage Determines if the button will be a text or image type No true/false
actionClass The fully qualified class name of the action that will be invoked when the button is clicked Only for user-defined buttons The name of any Java class that is on the web application's classpath

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