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Creating An Effective Ticket Tool Dashboard - With Style Intelligence, support agents can have an intelligent ticket tool dashboard to automatically categorize tickets and provide a first suggestion. This speeds up the whole process of support. The algorithms give this suggestion for a level of accuracy, and then the machine learning algorithm directly adds words to tickets based on the predictive category for the next agent. We're seeing the same trajectory in customer service with ticket classification, ticket routing, how to answer suggestions all the way to complete customer service dialogues. Like in the vehicle area, it doesn't have to be done in one giant leap. It can be done in concrete steps that provide value for customers in every step of the way...
Earned Value Analysis - Project performance is evaluated using the advanced analytical method known as Earned Value Analysis (EVA). It combines schedule, cost, and work performance data to provide a complete picture of the state of a project. EVA is often included in capital program management dashboards to monitor project progress, foresee any problems, and maximize resource use...
Law Firm Client Analytics - Another key area for law firms to manage proactively is the performance of their existing client base. Key performance indicators in this area include client retention rate, which is the is the ratio of number of clients billed in the last 12 months to the same clients that had been billed in the 12 months before that. Another is the dormant client percentage rate, which is the ratio of the number of clients that the firm has not handled a matter for in two of the past three years to the number of total clients. A related area to focus on is attorney productivity. Metrics include billable hours per full-time equivalent timekeeper, which is is calculated by taking the gross number of billable hours worked by paralegals, associates and partners and dividing by the number...
Option for Dashboards for Microsoft Access - Looking for business intelligence dashboards for use with Microsoft Access and other similar data sources? InetSoft offers award winning dashboard solutions. Effective dashboard tools will allow users to compare their many data sets, display data mashups in a user friendly format, and enable users to interpret the results in a meaningful way. Companies that are equipped with business intelligence dashboards are better able to: detect problem areas, spot opportunities, improve data accuracy, and ultimately cut costs and improve profitability...
Power Usage Analysis Dashboard - The usage analysis dashboard here exemplifies the powerful tools and features of InetSoft's interactive web-based analytical dashboard. As a pioneer in business intelligence solutions, InetSoft paves the way for dashboard, reporting, and data mashup solutions for organizations across different industries. By mashing up multiple data sets, users can create a visualization, like the chart below, to filter, sort, and analyze electric utility data. By having a very simple point and click system, users can focus on specific information to gather and satisfy specific needs or wants, enhancing business intelligence operations. Users are also equipped with a diverse set of features and tools, like the brushing tool, to filter by age, hours on web, gender, exclusivity, and. operating systems...