Business Intelligence Training Resources

Learning InetSoft's robust BI software is even easier with a wide range of training materials and a series of live complimentary webinars.

Recordings can be viewed below.

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InetSoft's Video Training Resources

Learn the fundamentals of using InetSoft's solution in a variety of short, easy to follow training videos.

Prepare Your Data
Create Dashboards

Prepare Your Data

Upload Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Upload data into an embedded table
  • Edit the embedded table
  • Create a New Data Field (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create a calculated field at the dashboard level
  • Field can be built on detail or aggregate data
  • Change a Concatenation (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Switch between the different concatenation types
  • Covers Union, Intersection, and Minus concatenations

  • Create a Union (2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create a union between two or more datasets
  • Convert to Embedded Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Convert a regular data block into an embedded table
  • Enter Embedded Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Manually enter data into a data block
  • Create a Data Set (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create a new data worksheet
  • Construct a data block from a database table, query, or data model
  • Create a New Data Field (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Add a new data field by writing a SQL or JavaScript expression
  • Filter Aggregate Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Filter grouped and aggregated data in a Data Worksheet
  • Filter Detail Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create a union between two or more datasets
  • Filter Top or Bottom Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Filter the highest or lowest ranking groups in your data
  • Filter Data using an Expression (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Filter data using a JavaScript or SQL expression
  • Filter Data using a Field Comparison (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Filter data using a comparison between columns
  • Filter Data using Session Information (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Filter data in a data block using login session information

  • Filter Data using Parameters (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Filter Data in a data block using parameterized conditions
  • Group and Aggregate Data in a Crosstab (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Group and aggregate data using a crosstab data block

  • Group and Aggregate Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Group and aggregate data in a data block

  • Import Data (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Import data into a data block in a data worksheet
  • Change a Join (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Change the type of a join from "inner" to "outer" or "inequality"
  • Create a Cross Join (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create a cross join or Cartesian join between two data blocks
  • Create an Inner or Outer Join (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create an inner join or outer join between two data block

  • Create a Merge Join (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Merge two data blocks together into a single data block
  • Update Embedded Data from Dashboard (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Modify data in an embedded table by using form components on a dashboard

  • Sort on Multiple Columns (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Sort a data block on multiple columns simultaneously
  • Sort Data on a Single Column (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Sort a data block using the values in a single column
  • InetSoft Overview (v2020-2021)

  • Creating a data source connection and design queries

  • Create Dashboards

    Creating a Chart (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Creating a variety of chart types
  • Filtering a Dashboard (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • An overview of the different types of filters used in InetSoft dashboards
  • Grouping Data in a Dashboard (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Group data in a crosstab or chart, and learn how to combine groups
  • Exporting Data from a Dashboard (v2018-2023, StyleBI)

  • Exporting summary and detail data, from tables and charts
  • Create a High-Performance Cache (2019-2023, StyleBI)

  • Create and manage a materialized view for a dashboard, to improve dashboard responsiveness and reduce database demands
  • Add Drill-Down Hyperlinks (2019-2023, StyleBI)

  • Add drill-down hyperlinks to a dashboard
  • Add Formulas to a Table (2019-2023, StyleBI)

  • Incorporate formulas into your tables that reference data from within the same table or from other components
  • Write Back to a Database (2019-2023)

  • Configure a dashboard to allow users to enter data and write the data back into a database
  • Create a Custom Map (2019-2023, StyleBI)

  • Use the built-in mapping feature, or create a custom map from a shapefile by using the free OpenJump application

  • Webinars (Versions 2020-2023)

    InetSoft End-User Intro (3-31-22)

  • Introduction to Portal and Dashboard features
  • InetSoft Ad Hoc Reporting Intro (5-5-22)

  • Introduction to Ad Hoc Reporting features
  • InetSoft Desktop Report Design Intro (6-16-22)

  • Introduction to Desktop Report Design
  • InetSoft Data Mashup Intro (9-18-22)

  • Introduction to Data Mashup
  • InetSoft Data Modeling Intro (10-19-22)

  • Introduction to Data Modeling
  • InetSoft Scheduling Intro (12-22-22)

  • Introduction to Scheduling
  • InetSoft Date Comparison Intro (3-23-23)

  • Introduction to Date Comparison
  • InetSoft Report Section Intro (5-18-23)

  • Introduction to Report Sections
  • InetSoft Reusable Report Components (8-15-23)

  • Introduction to Reusable Report Components
  • InetSoft Map Chart Intro (1-30-24)

  • Introduction to Map Charts