Advantages of InetSoft's Cloud Flexible Business Intelligence

Cloud computing and software-as-a-service are quickly evolving into a mixture of public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud environments. InetSoft's business intelligence solution is a highly versatile platform for different application scenarios in this new computing era.

InetSoft Hosted Cloud Flexible BI

InetSoft's cloud flexible business intelligence solution delivers the benefit of cloud computing and software-as-a-Service while giving you maximum level of control. In terms of software-as-a-service, BI software is unique because it inherently depends on the data not being embedded in the application.

Many SaaS BI vendors have created a cloud platform where you must transfer and update all data. This can create severe new issues because of bandwidth limits and updating-logic complexity. Even though some might offer traditional an install-your-own option, you will lose the benefit of SaaS that offloads the infrastructure management to the BI vendor. InetSoft's BI allows you to choose the platform and the location that is best suited for you.


Bring SaaS BI to Your Data, Not the Other Way Around

Bringing the software to the data, not the data to the software, is a proven winning formula in BI. Data tends to quickly increase in volume, variety, and velocity. Moving the data to the software will become a bigger and bigger challenge as you grow. Even when data movement is not yet an insurmountable issue, users are limited by how frequently data can be refreshed and will pay a performance penalty if directly querying data sources. InetSoft's cloud flexible BI embodies the "bring the software to the data" principle and delivers optimal performance.

Ensure Success Even If you Have No Dedicated BI Developer
InetSoft Includes One-on-One Expert Help

InetSoft's SaaS BI doesn't stop at providing a managed BI environment. In order for a BI project to be successful, it requires experience and expertise to best apply BI to each situation. Normally this means staffing experienced and dedicated BI developers in-house. InetSoft provides free expert mentoring that delivers the expertise even when no in-house dedicated BI expert is available. This free expert help doesn't stop at initial deployment. On-demand one-on-one sessions are also offered on an ongoing basis that will keep your BI environment operating optimally.

Grow Without a License Price Cliff
Cost-effective Unlimited User Pricing

For SaaS BI licensing, per user subscriptions are normally the starting point. When usage grows or administration of users becomes too difficult, there are capacity pricing models that are based on the number of cores. But many times, there is a steep cost cliff between per user and per capacity pricing. InetSoft's small-footprint BI allows affordable capacity pricing that you can smoothly transition into.

Embedding and Self-Hosting

In many embedding and certain cloud computing settings, InetSoft's BI solution is preferably hosted and controlled by you. Even though InetSoft is not directly managing the software for you, InetSoft's cloud flexible design still delivers great benefits.

Small-Footprint Architecture
Utilize Cost Efficient Instances

InetSoft BI can be deployed to a cloud instance as small as two virtual cores. In contrast, traditional business intelligence software typically requires machines or instances with at least 8 cores. The small footprint allows flexible deployment options. For instance, your embedding application needs the option of client site deployment. Packaging InetSoft's small-footprint BI as part of your solution will allow utilization of the most cost-efficient instances.

Scale Up or Scale Out
Align with Embedding Architecture

An embedded BI solution must align to the embedding applications scaling model. While scaling up uses more powerful instances, scaling out utilizes more instances. There are business and technical reasons to favor one type. For instance, regulations like HIPAA may require you to isolate each client's instance; that will favor scaling out. InetSoft's BI allows you to scale efficiently regardless which model you choose.

Expert Aided Single Sign-on, Rebranding and Theming with Multi-Tenant Support

In order to deliver a seamless user experience, embedding a BI solution commonly requires architecture and user interface alignment. Some of this can be accomplished with standardized mechanisms. But many details must be refined with the BI partner's close cooperation. Larger vendors are too rigid or less responsive. InetSoft's long history of OEM partnering means you benefit from embedding integration experts who work hand in hand with your engineering team.

More Resources and Articles About InetSoft's Cloud Flexible Business Intelligence

Advanced Analytics for Legacy Systems - Hopefully this presentation will provide some of those lessons learned for a migration from legacy technology to advanced analytics for anyone who is watching this now or on-demand in the future. Hopefully they can learn to overcome some of those hurdles that you had to overcome to implement this project and benefit from the lessons learned that they can take away from it...

#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index Read More

Articles About Tracking Business Performance Indicators - Do you need to track business performance indicators? InetSoft offers BI software for performance monitoring dashboards and balanced scorecards that can be easily deployed and used. View a demo and read reviews...

Best Platform for Daily Reporting - Looking for a platform for daily reporting? InetSoft is a pioneer in reporting with 5,000+ customers since 1996. The web-based platform offers the most flexible pixel-perfect reporting platform for report distribution. View a demo and try interactive examples...

Business Intelligence Functions Found in InetSoft's Software - Below you may find useful resources about the BI functions found in InetSoft's software...

Cloud Application Embedded BI - InetSoft's technology is very well-suited for deployment in a cloud environment, whether it be an OEM scenario or an internal enterprise deployment. The company's primary application has been designed from the ground up as a Web-based server application so it naturally integrates with other Web-based solutions...

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View live interactive examples in InetSoft's dashboard and visualization gallery.

Custom Business Reporting Solutions - The importance of implementing custom reporting solutions within a business has grown considerably over time, as businesses need a powerful tool to not only manage and manipulate data, but also to be able to present that information effectively. With reporting solutions being equally important across all facets of businesses, a complete custom reporting solution needs to provide access to a wide range of data sources, must have the right mix of features and functionality, and must be easy to use...

Customer Story of Geographic Business Intelligence - They started with a dashboard view that shows the statistics related to the rise in juvenile crime among 11 to 15 year-olds. The chart shows a subset of county townships and the number of crimes committed weekly over the last three years and the associated police costs. With a quick glance the chart shows the crime levels were relatively static over the first 2 years, and many towns experienced a drop off in the current year. All except for one town. There was a huge spike. Police costs mirrored the pattern...

Dashboards for Marketing Executives - Basically it really comes down to organization's needing to understand how they are progressing on their business goals, and so a good marketing executive dashboard will demonstrate that progress, or lack thereof, sometimes, and it will do it in a way that's factual, not necessarily based on opinion...

Data Management Project - Today we're talking about data management implementations. And we'll start by asking, what is the most common mistake that companies make when it comes to data management system implementations...

Read the top 10 reasons for selecting InetSoft as your BI partner.

Data Visualization Software Helps HR Managers - Can data visualization software help HR managers lower employee turnover? Check out this Employee Attrition Analysis from our dashboard gallery...

Embedded Business Intelligence with InetSoft - Business is an ever evolving field. As technology gets more sophisticated and the times change, businesses must adapt. They must not only adapt the way they conduct their business, however, but also the way they track it. Today, there exists three categories of business intelligence software: standalone, integrated, and embedded...

Embedding BI Functionality into Web Based Applications - I've already mentioned before whether it be an ISV or an enterprise portal integrating us, embedding our BI software into any web based application is a major strength of ours...

Evaluate InetSoft's Leadership Weekly Report Tool - Searching for a leadership weekly report tool? Easily build formatted or interactive leadership weekly reports with InetSoft's advanced flexible BI tool. Highly rated for customer service and ease of deployment, InetSoft has been a pioneer in self-service BI since 1996. View a demo and try interactive examples...

Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool.

Good Application for Web Dashboards - Looking for a good application for web dashboards? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboarding with pricing comparable to Power BI. View a demo and try interactive examples...

Good Set of Reporting Tools - InetSoft's Style Intelligence features a state-of-the-art reporting engine that allows for the easy creation of pixel-perfect paginated reports that can draw on data from virtually any desired source...

Human Capital Analytics Project - The first step of this hospital human capital analytics project was to focus on data governance. The information is highly important. If the quality of data is not there, it will impact our project. Our data governance expert helped us to standardize order reports, scorecards and definitions...

Find Activity Reporting Software - Researching activity reporting software? Since 1996, InetSoft has been an innovator in offering easy to use, but powerful interactive, Web-based reporting software. Articles below provide more related information to help you. Also, look at the resource on the left-hand navigation menu to see examples and read reviews. A free evaluation is available...

Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting.

Hospital Staffing Dashboard - This on-demand hospital staffing dashboard tool shows six shifts, six roles, and status indicators colored red or green including a button to send the result to management to ask, why am I in red? The manager's feedback is really amazing. They loved the tool. They find it easy to use. That is the goal, to use the tool...

How Data Visualization Makes BI More Accessible - And as we have seen in the last few years, not only has the iPad changed the dynamic of how users want to interact with their data and want to interact with information, but Google has also changed the dynamic in terms of the expectations of how fast the users want to get their information...

Investigating Key Performance Indicators Dashboard Solutions - Investigating key performance indicators dashboard solutions? InetSoft offers performance management software for dashboards and scorecards that can be easily deployed and used. Read articles below about performance management topics and the features and benefits of InetSoft's KPI tools...

List of BI Server Vendors - Researching BI server providers? InetSoft offers business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting and mashups that can be easily deployed and used. Read articles below related to InetSoft's BI system, or view the demo from the Evaluate menu above...

Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility.

List of Department BI Dashboards - Looking for department BI dashboards? InetSoft's industry pioneering BI platform can support any department's business intelligence needs. View examples in the showcase, read articles about its capabilities below, and request a personalized demo...

Looking for a List of BI Applications - Looking for a list of BI applications? InetSoft has been a pioneering BI software provider since 1996 and has over 5,000 customers around the world. Recently Garter ranked InetSoft number 1 in two categories...

Manage TCO of Business Intelligence - There are three dimensions to consider here. First is the cost per user, which includes all software licensing costs plus maintenance, hardware costs and administrative overhead. Second is completing the BI deployment on budget...

Manufacturing Production KPI Dashboards - What do production managers need? The answer is a production dashboard to graphically represent the status of each phase of the manufacturing process. InetSoft's Style Intelligence offers informative dashboard displays using various elements, including charts, tables, diagrams, spreadsheets, etc., which are highly interactive and easily deployed...

Learn about the top 10 features of embedded business intelligence.

Options for Embedding BI Dashboards - InetSoft's award-winning dashboard software application offers an expansive list of embeddable dashboard options that provide users with more reporting options than are typically found in most business intelligence solutions. View the example here to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution...

Pioneer in Data Mashup Software - This is a table of contents of useful information about InetSoft's data mashup software which is included in its business intelligence application for dashboards, reporting, and analytics, Style Intelligence...

Real Example of Proactive Performance Management - At least in the work that I've done with several organizations in terms of how I've been linking performance management and knowledge management, is going to be illustrated on this diagram so I'm going to go through it in a little bit of detail...

Replace Baan (Infor) Dashboard Reports - InetSoft has an easily customized BI solution for the Baan (Infor) ERP platform. Dashboards and reports can be created very quickly that will increase visibility into process performance metrics and a reduce manual labor associated with information gathering and presentation...

Learn about InetSoft's key differentiator: cloud flexibility.

Reporting Document Creation Application - Looking for good reporting document creation software? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based reports with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples...

Robust Dashboard Reporting Software - Since 1996 InetSoft has been delivering easy, agile, and robust business intelligence software that makes it possible for organizations and solution providers of all sizes to deploy or embed full-featured business intelligence solutions...

Solution for Financial Reporting - Finance departments are challenged everyday with more reporting demands by executives, boards and external agencies. This diverse audience also increasingly wants more transparent and quicker responses. On the other hand, CFOs want more analysis to discover opportunities and insights...

Software for Building Reports for Access - Looking for good report builder software for MS access? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based reports that can be presented anywhere. View a demo and try interactive examples...

Read why choosing InetSoft's cloud-flexible BI provides advantages over other BI options.

Tool for Developing Reports - This is a table of contents of useful reporting dashboard information related to InetSoft's Style Report Enterprise. Its features are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence...

Tracking Business Intelligence Metrics - Searching for a way to track business intelligence metrics? InetSoft offers an easier to use, easier to deploy BI platform that is also more cost-effective. Read about using InetSoft's BI software...

Visualize Common KPMs - To visualize how some common KPM's can be charted and analyzed in InetSoft's application look at the example screenshot to the right...

Learn the advantages of InetSoft's small footprint BI platform.

Weekly Business Reporting Tools - Weekly reports are vital for the regular monitoring and control of business conditions. But in many cases, the production of weekly reports puts additional demands on administrators and employees. And with so much business travel and work done out in the field, report accessibly and deliverability can also be an issue. Our solution, Style Intelligence, makes the setting up and delivery of weekly reports easy and efficient...

White-Label Friendly Dashboards - Are you looking to enhance your existing software offering with customizable dashboards and reports? Many enterprise software providers, while being experts in their specific industry areas, do not have the time or expertise to include truly robust visual analytics in their applications...