What KPIs and Analytics Are Used on Applicant Tracking System Dashboards?

These days, applicant tracking systems, or ATS, are essential resources for HR departments as they make the hiring process easier from beginning to end. An ATS's dashboard, which provides hiring managers and recruiters with a visual depiction of vital information to help them make choices, is one of its primary functions.

We'll explore the realm of ATS dashboards in this post, paying particular attention to the charts and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are often used in these systems.

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Application Status and Progress

The status and progress of applications is the first, and maybe most important, KPI shown on an ATS dashboard. A summary of each candidate's position in the hiring process is shown in this graphic. Recruiters are able to swiftly evaluate each applicant's progress from the point of application submission to the scheduling of interviews and ultimate decision. This KPI is essential for identifying recruiting process bottlenecks, making sure that no competent applicant gets lost in the system, and upholding a prompt and effective hiring procedure.

Time-to-Hire Metrics

Any recruiting process must be efficient, and time-to-hire metrics are essential for assessing how effective it is. This KPI calculates how long it takes a candidate to go from submitting an application to accepting a job offer. Recruiters may find locations where the recruiting process may be stalling by examining a chart that shows this parameter. It makes it possible to deal with delays in a proactive manner, regardless of whether they result from drawn-out interview procedures, protracted decision-making, or other issues that might lengthen the time it takes to recruit someone.

Source Effectiveness

To find applicants, recruitment teams often use a variety of sources, such as social media, job boards, and internal recommendations. An ATS dashboard's source effectiveness chart aids in assessing each recruiting channel's efficacy. Recruiters may more effectively deploy resources to the channels producing the greatest outcomes by identifying the source of successful recruits. This KPI helps to optimize recruiting tactics by guaranteeing that funds are allocated to the best channels for drawing in eligible applicants.

Offer Acceptance and Declination Rates

Refining the recruiting process requires an understanding of the reasons behind applicants' acceptance or rejection of employment offers. The offer acceptance and decline rates chart sheds light on the variables that affect a candidate's choice. To increase offer acceptance rates, recruiters should look for trends, pinpoint typical causes for declines, and make changes. This KPI helps to improve job offers, make sure they meet applicant expectations, and raise the possibility of drawing in and hiring top talent.

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Applicant Funnel Conversion Rates

The passage of applicants through each step of the recruiting process is shown visually in the application funnel conversion rates graphic. Beginning with the submission of an application, going through a series of interviews, and ending with employment offers, this graphic deliver a thorough summary of conversion rates at every phase. Potential areas for improvement in the recruiting funnel may be found by recruiters, enabling focused efforts to increase conversion rates and maximize the effectiveness of the hiring process as a whole.

Candidate Feedback and Satisfaction

A key element in attracting and keeping elite talent is candidate experience. Candidate feedback and satisfaction-related KPIs are often included in ATS dashboards. Data on interview experience, communication responsiveness, and general recruiting process satisfaction may be included in this figure. Recruiters can strengthen their employer brand and attract top talent by keeping an eye on applicant feedback. This allows them to pinpoint areas for development, resolve issues, and improve the entire candidate experience.

Cost-per-Hire Analysis

Every firm worries about its recruitment expenditures, and one of the most important KPIs for controlling these costs is the cost-per-hire analysis chart seen on an ATS dashboard. This measure determines the average cost of hiring a candidate by accounting for a number of variables, including time spent conducting interviews, hiring software, and job advertising. Recruiters may improve recruiting techniques, cut down on superfluous expenditures, and guarantee that the hiring process stays cost-effective without sacrificing quality by monitoring the cost-per-hire. This allows them to make data-driven choices.

Requisition Workload and Distribution

A fair and controlled recruiting procedure depends on keeping an eye on the workload and requisition allocation. An ATS dashboard's Requisition Workload and Distribution chart gives information on the quantity of vacant jobs, how they are distributed around teams or departments, and how much work each recruiter is responsible for. This KPI aids in the detection of any bottlenecks, guarantees equitable task distribution, and optimizes resource allocation for a recruiting procedure that is more effective.

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Retention Rates of Hired Candidates

Retaining great talent is just as vital as acquiring new employees. The lifespan of workers recruited during the recruiting process is monitored by the Retention Rates of recruited Candidates chart on an ATS dashboard. This KPI assesses how well selected applicants fit the job requirements and corporate culture, which helps in determining how successful the recruiting process was. A high retention rate is a sign of well-hired staff, which makes the workforce more reliable and effective.

Time-to-Fill Metrics for Different Job Roles

The Time-to-Fill Metrics for Different Job Roles table recognizes that not all jobs are created equal. It allows recruiters to see trends and variances across various jobs by segmenting the time-to-fill KPI according to job roles. This level of detail is essential for customizing recruiting tactics to the unique requirements and difficulties linked to different positions inside the company.

Interviewer Effectiveness

The effectiveness of interviewers throughout the recruiting process is evaluated using the Interviewer Effectiveness Chart. This KPI takes into account elements like interviewer feedback, assessment uniformity, and interviewers' overall influence on the decision-making process. Finding exceptionally good interviewers may aid in raising the standard of applicant evaluations, refining the interview procedure as a whole, and guaranteeing that the appropriate people are participating in the recruiting process.

Application Dropout Rates

It is crucial to comprehend the reasons behind applicants' application process abandonment in order to improve recruiting tactics. The proportion of applicants who begin the application process but do not finish it is tracked by the Application Dropout Rates display on an ATS dashboard. Recruiters may improve application forms, lower friction, and enhance the possibility that applicants will complete the application by using this KPI, which offers insightful information about possible pain areas in the application process.

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Training and Onboarding Effectiveness

A candidate's journey doesn't stop when their offer is accepted; a smooth transition into the organization depends on efficient onboarding. An ATS dashboard's Training and Onboarding Effectiveness chart evaluates how successfully recent recruits are adjusting to their responsibilities and the company. Metrics including time-to-productivity, new hire feedback, and training program completion success are included in this KPI, which aids HR departments in improving onboarding procedures for increased employee satisfaction and integration.

Compliance Metrics

HR departments place a high premium on ensuring compliance with applicable employment rules and regulations. During the hiring process, an ATS dashboard's Compliance Metrics chart monitors compliance with legal standards. The completion of necessary paperwork, adherence to equal opportunity hiring requirements, and other compliance-related indicators are all included in this KPI. Monitoring compliance helps the company stay out of trouble with the law and maintain moral hiring standards.

Internal Mobility and Career Progression

Promoting career advancement and internal mobility is essential for keeping employees happy and satisfied. Employee mobility inside the company, including promotions and lateral transfers, is tracked by the Internal Mobility and Career Progression chart on an ATS dashboard. This KPI sheds light on the efficiency of employee happiness initiatives, talent development programs, and the general state of the internal talent pipeline.

Bench Strength and Succession Planning

Bench strength is a crucial KPI for long-term organizational performance as it shows how prepared individuals are for higher jobs. An ATS dashboard's Bench Strength and Succession Planning chart evaluates the likelihood of internal promotions and succession planning. This KPI may be used by recruiters and HR specialists to find high-potential candidates, guaranteeing a steady flow of talent for important roles in the company.