Searching For The Best Salesforce Dashboard Examples?

Whether you are using or almost any on-premise CRM system, salesforce dashboards can help your business grow. Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is the process of understanding a particular customer base. CRM's are used to counter shifts in customer needs by collecting large amounts of customer data and providing tailored results to those customer shifts.

Here are examples of InetSoft's Salesforce dashboards with examples of numerous key performance indicators and metrics used within each dashboard. InetSoft's unique dashboard designer allows integration of any CRM system that you may be using. The Style Intelligence for Salesforce is a SaaS application for users can install into their own environment to gain advanced dashboard and reporting capabilities.

Using the SaaS delivery model, InetSoft uses the benefits of cloud computing to bring data visualization to businesses of all types.

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Different Uses for Salesforce Dashboards

At the foundation of our business intelligence software is the data mashup engine. It allows the users to combine different data points, no matter how different they may be, because we understand that each business will have different data, different metrics, and different key performance indicators. This data mashup technology can access any existing CRM tool that you may have in place, such as salesforce.

Salesforce dashboards allow for the full analysis of key performance indicators and metrics. When establishing key performance indicators, management has to first determine which will be sufficient for his/her business. When doing such analysis, management must consider:

  • Valuation describes what the organization does in a way that the financial world can understand. In this sense, all activities need to be financially valued. Information in this area needs to be mostly concentrated on outputs, outcomes, or deliverables, and this information has to be closely related to existing valuation mechanisms.
  • Navigation refers to the internal decisions that mangers and executive make that are in-line with medium and long-term strategies. Information in this area needs to be responsive to shifts in work activities, and has to be related to overall effectiveness in the business.
  • Compensation allows management to define scorecards in order to reward employees for contributing to the success of the organization. Information in this area needs to be related to the values that the team can control.
  • Benchmarking is one of the most critical pieces of information that your business can track and analyze. This piece of information allows you to compare your business data to other things. Information in this area needs to be understandable and comparable and strategically related to your organization.
  • Evaluation allows management to see how well the company is performing. At times, companies may need to partake in activities such as customer and employee surveys.
  • Different Salesforce Dashboards for Different Industries

    The ability to track data is essential in a professional environment. Salesforce dashboards allow executives and managers to fully control all aspects of the business cycle. Key performance indicators and metrics are ways to measure your business performance and these dashboards allow you to track and analyze each individual aspect in great detail. Different organizations will have difference key performance indicators.

    For example, a university may focus some of its key performance indicators on graduation rates of its students. Also, a key performance indicator for a social service organization might be the number of clients assisted during the year. Another example, would be the percentage of a companies income that come from return customers.

    With InetSoft's drag and drop dashboard designer, you are able to fully customize reports geared toward your specific business. You have full control over with metrics and key performance indicators that you wish to choose, and are able to combine and conform them to meet your growing business needs.

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