InetSoft BI Company and Product Information
Researching business intelligence companies? InetSoft offers business intelligence software for dashboards, ad hoc reports and business analysis that can be easily deployed and used. View either a short or an extended BI demo. Read articles below for more details about InetSoft's offerings and discussion of industry topics.
Business Intelligence Solutions and Tools - InetSoft provides a complete business intelligence solution for dashboards, scorecards, visualization and reporting that is easy, agile, and robust. How is InetSoft's business intelligence solution easy, agile, and robust...
Click this screenshot to view a two-minute demo and get an overview of what InetSoft’s BI dashboard reporting software, Style Intelligence, can do and how easy it is to use. |
Business Intelligence Solution Brands - Are you researching business intelligence solution brands? InetSoft is a pioneer in dashboard reporting technology. InetSoft's solution is true Software-as-a-Service, not a combination of client developer tools and a web-based delivery platform. Get cloud-flexibility for your deployment. Minimize costs with a small-footprint solution. Maximize self-service for all types of users. No dedicated BI developer required. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Business Intelligence Strategy - InetSoft CEO joins a discussion of business intelligence strategy. If you look at what BI vendors focused initially with their business intelligence tools, they were primarily focused on query and reporting to understand what happened in the past. The second generation of business intelligence solutions evolved into more visual analysis capabilities and data mining to understand why things happened and make recommendations for future action. But the next generation of business intelligence platforms is about making all information, all relevant information, available and to optimize each transaction. Whether it’s in the call center or in the field, whether you’re assisting a customer with a specific issue, taking an order or processing a claim. It’s about making information available to leverage for your business activities and business processes. And of course, as everyone has pointed out, that necessitates a tight integration between your BPM environments which are managing your processes across the organization and your business intelligence services...
Business Intelligence Success Stories - Read business intelligence success stories. Hear how organizations are using business intelligence solutions. Some provide their managers performance management dashboarding. Others use data mashup technology to combine disparate data sources to provide comprehensive dashboard reporting. All of them leverage InetSoft's businesss intelligence technology to derive intelligence from their data. Nebraska Educational Service Unit #1 selected InetSoft’s business intelligence software. The state organized support agency uses InetSoft’s Style Scope business intelligence application to gain advanced analytics and reporting on student performance and programs run by the special education department. Style Scope is an edition of the InetSoft’s business intelligence software application, Style Intelligence, that allows organizations to gain better insight from their operational data stores and data warehouses using interactive, Flash-based analytical and monitoring dashboards and drillable, flexibly designed reports. The application includes a drag-and-drop self-service custom dashboard and report designer that facilitates rapid deployment requiring minimal training...
Business Intelligence System Is Like a Refinery - Well, a business intelligence system is like a refinery. Its raw material is data which it gets from transaction systems or operational systems which run the business on a daily business. And IT professionals take that data. They integrate it, aggregate it and turn it into information via a data warehouse. And then analysts and managers using varying reporting tools access the information in the warehouse to identify issues and trends and patterns in that information and essentially create knowledge, knowledge about how the business works. Then executives and managers take that knowledge, and they create rules and models or plans, such as a go to market plan. And when they implement those plans, they generate events, and this virtuous cycle repeats itself over and over again. And each time you go through this loop, you review and measure your success. That’s an analogy for business intelligence that should resonate with you in the audience. I think one of the things we’re seeing is that people are trying to speed up that whole process. They want to simplify getting the data all the way to the desktop for the users to use it. And how can they get more information faster in the right context through that whole process...
Business Intelligence System Tips - This article discusses tips for making business intelligence system deployments more successful. In the past companies deployed expensive BI solutions just to say they have them, but they were not designed with the business end user in mind. Focusing on making the software intuitive to use and getting it widely adopted by the business people who need information to make the best decisions is what it takes to make BI projects successful. In the early days of business intelligence, the technology assembled historical data, presented it in forms such as reports, dashboards and scorecards, and made it analyzable; the software was then given to analytical staff and senior executives so they could access information they required to set the strategic course of their business . Over time, users saw that they might apply BI’s data warehousing, visualization and analytical capabilities to their operational needs and started using the technology to help managers make tactical decisions about their business units. It soon became clear that the data requirements of this new business intelligence software were different from those of old BI, and it became clear as well that it required different visualization and analytic tools. These differences were a challenge to most companies. Those challenges are discuss in this article, and tips are offered on how new business intelligence technology can meet them for your organization...
Business Intelligence Systems - Business intelligence systems have been defined in various ways. Most succinctly, a business intelligence system is an organisational approach that combines technology and management philosophies to make optimal use of data in decision making...
Business Intelligence Suites - Business intelligence suite provider InetSoft joins a BI podcast. They are looking to, as I said before, put the processes in context. The second approach we find is that they are putting a BPM, a process strategy in place. The follow-on to that is sometimes the business intelligence strategy. So we find them coming from each side of the coin. Now the important thing that we have seen with our customers is that the reality for them is that the process improvement aspect – whether they are coming at it from the process improvement side to begin with, or they already have the BI solution in place, and now they’re trying to put them in context – is that a lot of those projects are stalled by the legacy of past failed projects, the lack of concrete requirements, especially from business owners. Someone mentioned before that lack of collaboration between IT and business to get accurate requirements in place in a quick manner to adjust to changing business conditions. Now we’re seeing, as always, IT budgets aren’t getting bigger. They’re getting smaller, and folks are naturally defaulting to their existing systems and infrastructure for their new projects...