More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Common BI Tool
Agile and Easy Report Maker - To enable faster report loading, Style Intelligence uses data streaming, a process where the application retrieves only smaller chunks of a whole large data set and processes a few report pages at a time. This way, Style Intelligence allows the user to begin viewing the parts of the report they are most interested in while the rest of the report still processes, instead of having to wait for the entire report to load. This is just one example of the agility unique to InetSoft's an agile and easy report maker...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Agility Of Your BI Application - Since time is a factor, then the agility of your BI application comes into play. In other words, how do you use the time to find the insight as a competitive advantage, and how do you enable your business users to act faster? Traditional BI solutions have been inflexible to changing data needs and changing user requirements. Another area is self-service. If we look at traditional BI applications, they still haven't delivered on the promise of BI for the masses. According to analyst research reports, the number of people that are using BI in their organization on average is around...
Benefits of Geographic Business Intelligence - How can you quantify the benefits of geographic business intelligence? What benefits might accrue to the customers, consumers or citizens? Does it increase satisfaction or improve quality for them? Secondly you can look at processes that you are embedding geographic business intelligence into in terms of increased efficiency or decreased risk. Does it make you less liable to make a mistake? The third angle is in terms of outputs. Does it increase productivity or capacity? Lastly financial impact. Does it raise revenues or lower costs...
BI Industry Does Really Well - Now let's talk about advanced visualization. This one is really about time to insight. Or showing us what is beneath the tip of the iceberg. At the tip of the iceberg, that's where the BI industry does really well, answering the bread and butter questions such as what are my sales by customer or even time period analysis. What are my sales by customer this year versus last year? But where the BI industry lags in general is answering those complex questions, such as what is different...
Big Data Infrastructure Vendors - A software company that provides Apache Hadoop-based software, targeting enterprise-class Hadoop deployments. Cloudera contains the main, core elements of Hadoop, providing reliable, scalable distributed data processing of large data sets (chiefly MapReduce and HDFS), as well as other enterprise-oriented components that provide security, high availability, and integration with hardware and other software. HANA is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system developed and marketed by SAP AG. HANA is an acronym for "High-Performance Analytic Appliance" based on in-memory technology, enabling Big Data analysis to be performed at faster speeds...
Business Intelligence Architecture Survey - We helped make possible a new business intelligence architecture survey created and conducted by The Bloor Group. A free Web event is being held Wednesday December 14 to present the highlights and registrants can download the full report. Questions were asked about the maturity of enterprise's Information Oriented Architecture and deployments of new technologies like Hadoop, data mashup, and SaaS BI. Guess which one was the most common of these three. I bet you will be surprised. Also, top IT priorities were ranked. One tidbit to share now, the biggest IT challenges were information silos and data quality...
Classic Reporting and Scorecarding - Yeah, there are obviously a variety of different providers of them, and InetSoft is one. Business intelligence is being broken into segments. There is the classic reporting and scorecarding. There is a whole new field that's being called largely data discovering analysis where those technologies, visualization and predictive models fit in. The cool thing is they have been simplified down from requiring a stats degree to something where an MBA or reasonably savvy data manager can actually do modeling on fairly complex data today. That wasn't possible a few years ago. And I think you have also got another category of data mashup tools that have come together...
Cross-functional Dashboards - Data Mashup Applications: cross-functional dashboards, competitive analysis, compliance and risk-assessment, disaster monitoring and disaster response, external vendor reports, , interdepartmental operations review, situational awareness solutions...
Dashboard Processing Clinical Information - Penn State Hershey Penn is currently building a new data center focused on big data for the healthcare industry. This data center will help Penn State medical researchers with the Penn State Hershey Institute for Personalized Medicine to better understand large amounts of clinical information and patient samples...
Data Mashup + Visualization = the Right Tool - So far we have seen visual analysis aspects. Demographic analysis normally requires a good deal of data. Normally this data must be collected from different sources. These sources have their own formats and delivery mechanisms. In most cases, data collecting, cleansing and transformation consumes the majority of time and resources. Futhermore, this tends to be a iterative process where data work and visual work are intertwined. Therefore, the tool must be as much a visual tool as a data tool...
Explanation of the Term Data Mashup - The term 'mashup' emerged in the media-sphere within the past decade as people seized on the opportunities that new media software and hardware technologies provided. It became much easier to combine snippets of songs, video, or graphics from different sources to create new and diverse content. While this idea of "mashup" has been around for some years, you may still be wondering what is data mashup, and how can it help my business...
Evaluate InetSoft's Business Intelligence Engine - Looking for a flexible and powerful business intelligence engine? InetSoft is a pioneer in dashboard reporting, and our platform includes a data mashup engine for generating complete views of corporate performance. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Excellent Example of an Interactive Data Visualization -'s Global Corruption Barometer is an excellent example of an interactive data visualization. In the screenshot below, you can see how global survey respondents perceived the level of corruption in their respective countries. This particular screenshot is displaying perceived corruption data as it relates to political parties...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Get Insight to Information - Now from a business perspective or line of business perspective, they can expand their line of business contributions to leverage what other organizations are doing both from an information sharing and common business language perspective as well as sharing the needs and best practices across the departments and pain points to understand where they can reuse this information. Finally once they have a consolidated business approach, they now have better governance over their data, they have a better process to understand what we mean by profit versus what you mean by profits or a common business language and they can more quickly get insight to information across the business...
Good Enterprise Business Intelligence Portal - Looking for a good enterprise business intelligence portal solution? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service BI with a very integratable platform. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Good IT Analytics Tool - With a good IT analytics tool, you can drill down. You can do all sorts of things, but the important thing is, #1, looking at it from the business perspective, in terms of really how you are delivering that service, because that's why you exist in a sense. And then, what's the history of doing it, and how you are going to do that in the future, and then, it becomes a vehicle for conversation between the business and IT and the data warehousing people to understand where you are going and to understand your options. We can do it this way or that way, and here's the cost involvement...
Impressive Visual Analytic Dashboards - InetSoft's BI platform, Style Intelligence, enables users to seamlessly extract data from multiple sources, and create dashboards and automated reports that reveal advantageous insights. The robust data mashup engine can join many data sources on common dimensions so that an aggregation of sources can be analyzed and manipulated within a single view. Once IT has connected and defined data sources, everyday users can create sophisticated reports and impressive visual analytic dashboards. InetSoft's data extraction tools are capable of simultaneously accessing and integrating information from operational databases, data warehouses, and enterprise applications such as...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Instructions for Designing a Dashboard - To set the properties of a Viewsheet component, right-click the component in the Viewsheet grid, and select 'Properties' from the context menu. This opens the 'Properties' dialog box for the component. To set the properties of a Container component, right-click in an empty region between the components in the group, and select 'Properties' from the context menu. This opens the 'Properties' dialog box for the Container component...
Investments in Traditional BI Technology - Here is a question from Lauri. We have a huge investment in traditional enterprise BI infrastructure which may not be very agile. How do you leverage it but don't move towards agile BI? Yeah that's a common question obviously these days. Obviously very few of you out there are starting from scratch. I am sure all of you do have investments in traditional BI technology so there are a couple of things to consider right. It's almost like splitting your BI infrastructure down the middle...
List of InetSoft Data Solutions - Style Intelligence has a robust data backend to access information from virtually any source. With our patented data mashup tool, it allows you to answer any question in minutes. Below are links to some of the more common types of enterprise data our product can query. Get free personalized assistance with your pilot project...
Metadata Layer on Top of the Databases - So this is the metadata layer that sits on top of the databases, and it incorporates all join logic of the tables, remaps the fields into a more logical structure and it can include some common formulas or expressions, so you don't need to rely on another OLAP or data warehouse solution. Now let's create a data mashup. Here I can just drag a field out, and it starts creating a query for me. Drag a couple of other fields, and you can go ahead and preview live data this as going along. This is really helpful if you're not exactly sure what is in each field. So you can fix that as you go...
Metrics with a Dashboard Application - Searching for a way to track business intelligence metrics? InetSoft offers an easier to use, easier to deploy BI platform that is also more cost-effective. Read about using InetSoft's BI software. Soft and Hard KPIs - Are there "soft" and "hard" KPIs? Yes, it very much depends on what KPI are measuring. You can have certain soft metrics where you relying on people's experience. You need to have outside factors that you weigh in, and then you discuss it. And then there are certain very hard KPIs like warehouse metrics, which are very precise, and there can be grave consequences, if you cross a certain threshold. So I think it's depends very much on what the contact is...
Multi-Layered Reporting Solution - Style Intelligence offers users two different report layouts, flow and tabular, for high-level customization. The flow layout treats report design like word processing. The report designer can place elements into the report that directly flow from one area to the next. These sections can then be ordered to specify how data flows. The flow layout allows users to create a report with multiple columns and/or segmentations. The tabular design layout it completely unique to Style Intelligence. Report designers can divide a report into cellular divisions, similar to how HTML development tools often function...
New Enabling BI Technologies - Combining the technical side with end users is really important, and we made that point that it's a different paradigm than has typically happened. In BI it really is much more important to have that. There are a series of new enabling technologies: in memory management has really been empowering, and interactive visualization. Social networking has created all kinds of new data, and then you have the search capabilities. Once again the key is enabling end users to be much faster, more flexible and more agile in their use of BI information...
New Feature For Database Write-Back - So this new feature for database write-back, what is it? It is basically allowing developers to build web based applications that combine presentation of data alongside inputting and modification of data within your relational database. Here are listed a few examples of things you can build. Obviously, it's blank slate, but these are a few areas that we have already seen interest in. The first ones are in the financial area since in forecasting and budging it is very common that you need to analyze historical trends or current performance and then make assumptions and inputs to use in planning models...
Nowadays in Business Intelligence - Today we are talking about Big Data. It has become a very popular topic nowadays in business intelligence. There were obvious reasons why, there are all kinds of sources of data now that challenge us. It's not just the amount of data but also the type of data that is really giving organizations a run for their money in terms of being able to leverage this information and get some value from it. It's certainly a new challenge to the enterprise in general and it's kind of an exciting one as well. There are new opportunities to get more value out of our business analytics by getting Big Data into our environments and that's the cornerstone of what we will be talking about today...
Operational Reporting BI - This raises a couple of issues. One is operational reporting BI. In other words, it's an important question because it gets to the root of who should be managing the operational reports. Because they're running against the operational system, should source system owners create and manage those reports, or should they be run by the BI team because they are reports? A lot of companies take different sides on this issue, and sometimes it's confusing to the end user. The second question is, is real time BI operational reporting? Now I made a distinction about BI looking at historical integrated data...
Opportunities To Analyze Data - So in the same vein, the increasing capabilities of computation and the evolution of new business intelligence tools provide us new opportunities, great opportunities to analyze data in a complex and evolving landscape and to gain multidimensional insights into the dynamic landscape business we're operating in. Finally, I will discuss the importance of building capacity through knowledge development that incorporates complexity to enhance the ability of the decision makers to act confidently. Okay, so what is business intelligence...
Posts Tagged with 'marketing BI solution' - Every social media platform relies on metrics to determine their success. Brands all over the world use social media. Departments that work directly with customers have a lot of available data to tell them how well they're communicating. One of the most common use cases for business intelligence and analytics is to get a deeper understanding of. Frustrated by the lack of flexibility and slow turnaround times of traditional BI tools, business teams are turning to...
Preach the Benefits of Self-service BI - Like some other business intelligence software providers, we preach the benefits of self-service BI and point to unique capabilities of our software such as end-user defined data mashup for its self-service benefits. However, unleashing self-service BI does need to be done carefully. Here are five tips to a successful self-service BI deployment. In many cases, enterprises end up with a handful of power users or BI analysts who use advanced BI tools to generate hundreds, if not thousands of new reports and dashboards...
Reasons Why Customers Chose InetSoft's Business Intelligence Software - Since 1996 InetSoft has been an innovating provider of business intelligence software. To date, our software has been used by over 5,000 organizations across the world and has been embedded into commercial solutions of other ISVs and SaaS providers. Read customer and partner reviews on G2 Crowd and Software Advice...
Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility. |
Reporting and BI: the Convergence - Traditionally, business intelligence software focuses on corporate departments that serve strategic functions. Because of this target user population, business intelligence emphasizes dynamic analytics such as ad hoc queries, OLAP analysis and other slice-and-dice functions. These departments also evaluate large volumes of historical data. As a consequence, business intelligence software is associated with data warehouses, data marts and other centralized, large scale, aggregated data stores. For operational users, reporting software, either home grown or commercial packages, is the primary, and many times the only, business intelligence mechanism. Most of the common production reports are pre-designed for end users. Additional report requests are handled by IT on an as needed basis...
Requirements Gathering for BI - So you put users from each of these organizations or the skill-sets within a BICC, and they will manage the strategy, the training, the solutions, the requirements gathering, establishing standards and also the marketing and evangelizing of business intelligence within the organization. This sounds pretty complex and comprehensive, but you don't have to start with all of this in place at once, you can start with a single project. Start establishing these standards. Start establishing these users and these organizations at a small level and build them as you mature and get the visibility and return on your investment that will help you to reinvest in building this out further...
Trending Software Defects - "I love the ability to extract data from homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources and transform the data in a usable, internal table, without requiring external IT support teams to integrate and build custom database tables for the integrated data we need for processing. We use InetSoft for tracking and trending software defects for a large number of business units, using a common engineering process for teams that have different rules for tracking the same defects. We also track continuous delivery process and build integration using this tool." - Jeff Besch, Senior Principal Engineer at Broadcom...
“We evaluated many reporting vendors and were most impressed at the speed with which the proof of concept could be developed. We found InetSoft to be the best option to meet our business requirements and integrate with our own technology.”
- John White, Senior Director, Information Technology at Livingston International |
Visual Analytics Tool Information - Looking for visual analytics tools? InetSoft offers free and commercial options. The commercial app is a web-based BI platform that can mashup disparate data sources. The free one is also web-based and you can simply upload your data file or spreadsheet and begin visualizing it. Read articles below about InetSoft's BI and analytics solution...
Tool for Developing Reports - This is a table of contents of useful reporting dashboard information related to InetSoft's Style Report Enterprise. Its features are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence...
Tracking Business Intelligence Metrics - Searching for a way to track business intelligence metrics? InetSoft offers an easier to use, easier to deploy BI platform that is also more cost-effective. Read about using InetSoft's BI software...
Visualize Common KPMs - To visualize how some common KPM's can be charted and analyzed in InetSoft's application look at the example screenshot to the right...
Visualize Free Just Upload Your Spreadsheet - Looking for tools for graphing a chart? InetSoft provides both free and commercial chart graphing tools. View a demo and try them out for free. Visualize Free is a free chart and graph application. No software to install, just upload your spreadsheet. Style Scope Agile Edition is a free interactive chart graphing tool that you can download and use for your departmental graphing and dashboard needs...
Weekly Business Reporting Tools - Weekly reports are vital for the regular monitoring and control of business conditions. But in many cases, the production of weekly reports puts additional demands on administrators and employees. And with so much business travel and work done out in the field, report accessibly and deliverability can also be an issue. Our solution, Style Intelligence, makes the setting up and delivery of weekly reports easy and efficient...
White-Label Friendly Dashboards - Are you looking to enhance your existing software offering with customizable dashboards and reports? Many enterprise software providers, while being experts in their specific industry areas, do not have the time or expertise to include truly robust visual analytics in their applications...
Why Consider InetSoft for Your Third Party Dashboard Software - Looking for good third party dashboard software? InetSoft, a pioneer in self-service oriented dashboard software integrates with almost any application. View a demo and try interactive examples...