Data Discovery Software List - InetSoft Technology
Looking for a list of data discovery software companies? Since 1996 InetSoft has been a BI application innovator and its Web-based data discovery solution is quickly deployed and easily used. View a demo on the left. Review the resources and articles below for more information:
Misrepresentation by the Data Visualization - In fact, the misrepresentation by the data visualization gets even worse. Sometimes you’ll see—USA Today used this a lot—where they’ll have three-dimensional pictures. They represent the point of data as a three-dimensional object. I’ve got a picture in front of me here now where they’re showing the price of oil and it’s represented by a barrel of oil. And the barrel is three dimensional. You can see the top of it, and three of the shots have not only height, and width, but they also have depth. So, that lie factor is increased by order of magnitude. So, if we look at this you would think, “Oh, the price of oil does seem to be steadily going upward”. If you were going by the amount of oil that you actually could fit in this virtual barrel here the most amount you can fit in there is going up at a much, much greater rate than the actual numbers themselves. And people will justify this in a lot of ways. Often in the graphs they’ll actually print the numbers...
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Next Point for Making Good Visualizations - So, let’s move on to the next point for making good visualizations, which is context. And we hear “context” a lot in software development. What is it from a visualization standpoint? Data can be misleading - even if it’s completely accurate - if it isn’t presented with some sort of context. And the example I gave here was two data points from the 1950’s showing traffic deaths in Connecticut in 1955 and deaths in Connecticut in 1956. And there’s a notation here saying that, “speed limits were more strictly enforced during this period”. Well, the numbers go down significantly from 325 to I think 277 or so. You can see a diagonal line going down. So, you would think just from those two points that stricter enforced speed limits saved lives, but we really don’t know if that’s true. What we really would like to know is what happened before 1955. Were traffic accidents already going down? Was there some other factor in play...
Reasons Why Visualization Makes Information Processing Faster - Excellent, so let's get back to the reasons why visualization makes information processing faster. What we see here is a clear conclusion. We must use our eyes to best process information, and there's a lot of scientific fact that actually backs it up. Seventy percent of our body sense receptors are in our eyes, and almost 50% of our brain is associated with visual sense. So there's a lot of scientific reason to why it makes a lot of sense. There is more related to our real world of business. Here you can see a set of different trends and indicators for an organization, in this case, for some kind of a manufacturing process. If I were to ask you to tell me how many bad indicators there are, and then I'll put up the poll. Even if I leave you with more than 10 seconds, it will take you a lot of time to really realize which indicator you should focus on. Now, if I were to color those trends, indicators, the up and down arrows with the green and red, for those who are not color blinded, it's going to be much-much easier now to find which indicator to focus on. I can even make one more change and make it even easier, more obvious, by removing the green ones and just focusing on the red ones...
Recommendations for Data Visualization Tools - When it comes to data visualization and business intelligence, it is good to keep in mind the vast array of tools and the one's that match your organization's needs. I think that using some machine learning to apply rules on which data to include and exclude in a portrayal or upon retrieval might be, kind of, a far better investment and it's something far easier to achieve. But I actually think that for a while, we have been advising most of our clients, it's actually better to, sort of, not have a limit on what’s getting portrayed because that’s going to really teach the organization how to be more selective and thoughtful about the information that they are looking at. But I would say the best application for machine learning in this particular context really is around the logic of what’s getting included and excluded as opposed to what gets interpreted...
Second Benefit of Data Visualization - The second benefit of data visualization is speed of thought. And we see this a lot, whether it’s in a meeting in person or on a phone call with someone via Gotomeeting or WebEx. Data is on the screen, and people are trying to slice it different ways, and they do not necessarily know where they want to go with it. They need to have a much ad-hoc experience than a report can give. And we see with many our clients that a more collaborative speed of thought approach eliminates the cycle of pain. By that I mean avoiding the other way to get that information where the user makes the custom report request. It goes it back to IT who writes some queries, runs them, and gets some results to come back. It takes a few days. But then you didn’t get the answer you thought. It goes back through the cycle. The other somewhat less painful version is where you get a download from the source system into Excel. You get some flattened data. You try to slice a dice it, but that’s hard because it’s hard to go through a lot of fields using Excel...
Self-Service Approach to Data Exploration - In order to explore a large collection of data in an efficient and effective manner, the self-service approach must be taken when analyzing. Well I am coming more from the business side of the house. My background is very sales and marketing oriented. So, a lot of times, it's less about someone handing me the reports and allowing me to be able to decipher what it is I need to get out of it as maybe more guided approach and having best practices involved in the delivery of the information itself so that I make the right decision in context with my business. So, I think a lot of what’s missing is the idea of self-service, is the idea that I can actually achieve the goal of pervasive BI which has sort of been a straw man out there we have all been trying to achieve in the business intelligence industry for 30 years now. We have maybe penetrated 14% of the market, and how do we drive the adoption of decision-making further into the organization. And John Chambers from CISCO sort of succinctly put it, if he could have his under-managers, his lower level managers make decisions in an organization such as his, he could make millions more decisions on an annual basis than the few hundred or thousand that his top line managers make....
Self-Service Visual Analysis - Continuing my self-service visual analysis, I sweep over them with the mouse. I have selected them. I can go back now to my ratings page and see what this looks like. Get rid of the rest of the group. I’ve got the 59. Here is the list. I see there are some large donors in here and some smaller donors. Maybe I want to go to the giving history page. This is a last cut to see what the patterns been going on with them. Here is a list to analyze. If I click on him, I see, well he is given half a million dollars, but it was back in 2005 and nothing since. Okay, I am getting my profile for him. Pick another one Ivy Kumar. Ivy, she has given $108,000, but it’s been building recently so this is a really good story so I have a couple of different stories emerging as I prep for my dinner. You can go back to my first view of 59 people, go down to the bottom export this out to my desktop, and I have my list to give my event planner. That’s a good example of this whole concept of eliminating the cycle pain and getting an answer in, you know, 10 minutes instead of several weeks...
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Some Possible Reasons to Choose InetSoft - It offers a cloud flexible business intelligence solution that gives you the maximum level of control. - It has a highly versatile platform for different application scenarios in the cloud era. - It allows you to co-locate a fully serviced SaaS BI instance with your primary data source to minimize data movement and deliver the highest performance. - It provides one-on-one expert help and does not require a dedicated BI developer. - It has a patented enterprise data mashup platform that can integrate data from different sources and file types. - It has an easy to use and user-friendly interface. - It has good customer service and support...
Software for Data Mining and Visualization - Researching data visualization and data mining solutions? InetSoft, a provider of award-winning BI software since 1996, offers Web-based enterprise-class software that is easy to deploy and easy to use...
Software for Visual Analysis - InetSoft's software for visual analytics is an enterprise-grade solution for accessing multiple data sources and easily generating visualizations to explore and analyze data. InetSoft's solutions are a unique blend of modern interactive visualization technology and a robust enterprise deployment architecture...