Looking for a Dashboard of Eli Manning's Sports Stats?

Analyze and share stats of your favorite players with Visualize Free from InetSoft

Are you someone who likes to explore and/or explain sports stats with graphs or excel docs? What if you could make and share interactive dashboards of sports stats, for free? To the right is a dashboard of Eli Manning's careers stats, built by a dedicated fan using visualizefree.com. Click on the screenshot to open the dashboard in another tab and explore Eli Manning's stats over the past 5 years.

Eli Manning Dashboard
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How to use this sports dashboard

All of the charts on this dashboard display individual Giants games, using a dot or triangle to represent each game. The large line graph on the dashboard allows you to see Eli Manning's passing statistics on a game by game basis.

Below the main chart, a smaller chart breaks games down by wins or losses, with a different color for each opposing team. There are several other charts on the dashboard that show various aspects of Eli and the Giants performance for each game. These charts display games that were won in light blue and games that were lost in dark blue. One of these is a stacked chart that is labeled "got sacked". This chart breaks down games based on how many times Eli was sacked by other players, showing how many yards were lost due to getting sacked in those games, and whether those games were wins or losses. The rest of the charts break down games by fumbles vs. fumbles lost, attempts vs. completions, and yards gained vs. average yards per completion. There's also a detailed list of games, and a dial and pie chart showing interceptions and yards gained per season. Eli's overall throwing accuracy score is displayed in the top right corner.

To the right of the large line chart is a checklist of teams, where you can filter the stats based on which states the Giants have played against. If you click on one or more of these state names, all of the charts and displays on the dashboard will change to display the stats for games played against those states only. To clear the team filter, just hover your mouse over the right corner of the team list, and click the first icon on the far right that pops up, labeled "clear selection". This restores the dashboard to its default view.

You can also restrict the games and stats by date, using the slider bar right beneath the large line graph. Let's say you would only like to see Eli's passing stats from January 2012 to December 2014, simply adjust the date slider to the exact months and years that you want stats from.

When the games are filtered by team or by date, all charts and displays will automatically change to display the figures for only those selected games. For example, by using these filters, one can view Eli Mannings throwing accuracy by game, or by opposing team.

If you have interest in looking at the stats of one particular game, then double click a point on any chart and the dashboard will show only the information for that one game. This technique is called brushing, and can be done on any of the charts. Click the "clear brushing" icon on whatever chart you were using to clear your selection.

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Create Your Own Interactive Dashboards

Would you like to create your own interactive dashboards like this, to display and analyze sports statistics or any other topic that interests you? InetSoft's VisualizeFree is a website where you can upload spreadsheet data and build online interactive visualizations from the data, which can be shared and accessed anywhere with an internet connection. What you see on the Eli Dashboard is just a small sample of the variety of chart types, colors, styles, and types of analysis that can be performed on VisualizeFree.

Looking for Interactive Dashboards for Your Organization?

VisualizeFree is a web hosted version of InetSoft's Style Intelligence. With InetSoft's full enterprise solution, users can not only build management dashboards easily, but can have the data pulled in real-time from a huge variety of sources. The product's data worksheet enables non-technical users to manipulate and mashup data, and the data grid cache enables interactive dashboards to load and explore data at high-speeds, even with Big Data sources.