More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's End User BI Tools
Analysis by Using OLAP Tools - At InetSoft, our powerful and intuitive business intelligence solutions guide the process of ad hoc analysis by using OLAP tools. Users will have the ability to analyze multi-dimensional data from different perspectives while answering questions along the way. In order to perform a successful and effective analysis on a data set, new and unclear questions should always be answered without hesitation because it's so easy to ignore. To simplify the process, ad hoc analysis and OLAP tools assist in answering anything unclear...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Build Self-Service Visualizations - Are you looking for the best visualization dashboard software? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making dashboard software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented interactive visualizations quickly. View a demo and read customer reviews...
Choose the Right SaaS BI Tool - Before you think about your SaaS options, ask yourself why you should choose an "on-demand" BI tool over the more conventional "on-premises" BI tool. A SaaS BI tool can be a great solution, especially if you are a BI beginner. No installation - on-demand BI applications require no setup, no overhead, and no wait. Web interface and mobile BI - SaaS tools are remotely accessible, meaning they're never further away than the nearest mobile phone...
Dashboards Supply Professional Users - Online dashboards have become the number one business intelligence tool in use today. Dashboards supply professional users with a quick look at key performance indicators pertinent to business operations. Dashboards provide the working professional world with a means of gauging the temperature of their business versus the rest of their industry...
Dashboarding Connects to a REST API - Looking for a dashboarding platform that connects to a REST API? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application does and enables secure interactive dashboards and analytics. View a demo and try interactive examples. Business applications can interface with end users either through a graphical user interface (GUI), a thin client (usually a web browser) or an exported report (PDF, RTF, Excel etc)...
Drill Down Dashboard Hovering - Looking for dashboard software with drill down capabilities? InetSoft features drill down dashboards that are visually oriented and fully interactive. By pointing and clicking over a data point or even by hovering over it, users can explore data and drill into more details. The ability to summarize information so easily vastly improves efficiency and provides analysts and decision makers with all the right tools for the job...
Easier Solution for Management Reporting - Searching for an easier solution for management reporting? Managers need tools that will communicate business conditions and needs intuitively and effectively. Unlike the large BI vendors who often have a confusing array of components to choose from and configure, InetSoft's Style Intelligence offers a cost effective and easy-to-use performance management reporting solution. With InetSoft, you'll have the necessary capabilities and flexibility, for the right price...
Enhanced Report and Dashboard Aesthetics - Even though SAP has proven itself to be a suitable ERP data processing software, it falls short in the ability to create visually enticing reports and interactive dashboards. InetSoft's all-inclusive BI platform gives end-users an unlimited range of customizations of chart styles, to add interactivity to their reports and dashboards. Users will be able to deliver sophisticated and professional quality reports for presentations, and real-time visualizations for data exploration...
Core Differentiator of InetSoft - A core differentiator of InetSoft from the dozens of alternatives in the marketplace is its data mashup engine. It can mashup on-premise and in-cloud data with diverse formats and structures into high performance, analytic-ready data blocks for both business intelligence and machine learning. SQL databases, JSON API,, and Google Analytics are just a few examples. Data blocks' built-in visual transformation and cleansing functions make data preparation effortless with minimal technical skills...
Dashboard and Visualization Annotations - Visualizations, Dashboards, and Visual Business Analytics, Dashboard and visualization annotations, Unlimited multi-dimensional charting, Brushing for data exploration, Wide range of sophisticated chart types including custom geographic mapping, Drag and drop design using only a Web browser, Visualization view re-use and collaboration, Drilldown across views and into details, Analytic and monitoring oriented dashboards...
Dashboard Design Best Practices to Adopt - A BI dashboard or business intelligence dashboard software are tools that visualizes key metrics, statistics, or any kind of data for the purpose of generating insights. Many BI users struggle with the problem of poor BI dashboard design software and delivery. A poorly designed data visualization can work against the main purpose of BI, which is to attain accurate fact-based insight into the strategic or tactical performance of an organization. In this post, we aim to understand this potentially disastrous situation and provide some useful dashboard design ideas that can help draw the attention of organizations towards dashboard design best practices...
Dashboards for Maintaining Manufacturing Equipment - InetSoft offers an easy-to-use solution for managing all processes of maintaining manufacturing or industrial equipment and the operational facilities of any organization. Integrated into the application is a pre-built KPI dashboard that monitors eleven key metrics: Equipment downtime, Maintenance backlog, Percentage of planned work for prior month, Maintenance cost as a percentage of equipment replacement value...
Database Reporting Building Tool - Are you looking for a good database reporting tool? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making reporting software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented interactive dashboards quickly. View a demo and read reviews...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Evaluate InetSoft's Business Intelligence Reporting Tools - Are you looking for good BI reporting tools? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making business software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented dashboards and visual analyses quickly. View a 3-minute demo and download a free version...
Facilitate Data Exploration - Visualization techniques of highly interactive dashboards encourage and facilitate data exploration through multi-dimensional charting styles and point and click filtering and sorting. End-user defined data mashup enables business users or analysts to combine data from disparate sources, including imported spreadsheets, without the need for formal data models being pre-defined, and share the mashup in the BI environment...
Fully User-Driven Dashboards - InetSoft's enterprise dashboard software uses a visualization-driven approach to facilitate the rapid deployment of self-service business dashboards. These dashboards are fully user-driven, with a heavy emphasis on analytic functionality. InetSoft customers can easily monitor, explore, and analyze their data through the user friendly GUI...
How to Deliver Business Intelligence to Users - Business applications can interface with end users either through a graphical user interface (GUI), a thin client (usually a web browser) or an exported report (PDF, RTF, Excel, etc). Developers can use the JFC libraries, Swing, or a large number of commercial GUI component libraries to build sophisticated, platform-independent, internationalized GUIs. Alternatively, developers can use Web programming with JSP's and/or servlets to develop 'thin client' applications. Style Intelligence facilitates business report application development for all of these methodologies...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Improved Hyperion Dashboard Reporting - Whereas Hyperion is a sophisticated BI tool for business performance, InetSoft's Style Intelligence provides a different level of interactivity and dashboard appeal. While other vendors offer advanced tools for operational use only, our software provides easy access and usage to any and all users with unique and intuitive data mashup capabilities. This allows users to combine disparate data from a multitude of supported data sources, including Hyperion Essbase...
Looking for the Top Dynamic Reporting Tools - Are you looking for the top dynamic reporting tools? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making reporting software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented web-based dynamic reports quickly. View a demo and read customer reviews from some of the 5,000+ happy customers...
Making Reporting Software - Are you looking for good report building tools? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making reporting software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. As a web-based application, InetSoft makes a good option for delivering self-service oriented reporting dashboards. View a 3-minute demo and download a free version...
Mashup Content Collaboration Data - Looking for a good solution for Box reporting? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking dashboards that mashup content collaboration data with other enterprise data in your organization. View a demo and try interactive examples. If you're looking for an easy-to-learn tool for enterprise dashboards, evaluate InetSoft's free and commercial applications. With InetSoft software, you can create brilliant charts, graphs and other visualizations with just a few clicks of your mouse. Drill down to see exactly the information you need, or build performance dashboards for sharing with anyone. These pages pertain to InetSoft's enterprise dashboard software...
Mobile Visualization Tools - An effective mobile visualization tool is one that combines the full capability of a desktop visualization software with the convenience of using a hand-held device. InetSoft's award winning data visualization software can be accessed on any mobile device that has a web browser. The mobile friendly software does not require a flash plug-in and also includes native apps for iOS and Android, for increased performance and functionality...
Offering a Dashboard Initially - When you start offering a dashboard initially, you want to create a team that has a lot of expertise. Someone should be very experienced with dashboard intelligence, in the ideal world, in your organization. You also want to have a business analyst who responsible for collecting the requirements of the key performance indicators. And of course, you want the people who will be using the dashboard. Lastly you are going to have to work with the database team as well to make sure there are actual data behind these KPIs. With regard to the infrastructure, you need an IT team to work with...
Operational Reports Automatically Sent - Fern uses Style Intelligence to mashup data from their Baan ERP system and other operational data sources enabling interactive dashboarding, analysis and reporting functionality. Operational reports are now automatically sent to each manager on a daily basis. Month-end reporting processes have been automated, and data governance has been greatly improved. The company is delighted with the results they are re getting out of InetSoft's Style Intelligence – real-time, instant access and visibility, 24/7...
Point and Click Visual Reporting - InetSoft's SQL capabilities are flexible enough to empower skilled designers while self-service users simply point and click. Beyond building queries, InetSoft's data mashup engine seamlessly integrates disparate data sources. And data output can be quickly visualized within the same web app that delivers the dashboards and reports. Designers and analysts have the freedom to choose how to write SQL queries in the web app. SQL-fluent users might prefer to...
Popular OLAP Reporting Tool - Since 1996, InetSoft has offered sophisticated business intelligence tools for every enterprise and industry. Our product, Style Intelligence, is a software platform for dashboards, visual analysis, and reporting to be used in conjunction with an OLAP server or any combination of open standards data sources. InetSoft's Style Intelligence supports popular OLAP servers such as Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Hyperion Essbase, and SAP NetWeaver. InetSoft's mission is to deliver such business intelligence solutions with a focus on making them easy, agile and robust...
Rapid Assembly of Analytics - All in all, InetSoft offers a broad set of business intelligence features in a well-integrated, lightweight architecture. Its ability to provide rapid assembly of analytics and information is what our research into information applications and business intelligence has found to be critical for business analysts to meet the pressing needs for publishing information. This approach of application assembly is not found in most of the BI vendors' products today and is a key differentiator for InetSoft to help organizations deliver business analytics in a simple and usable form...
Recommended by End Users - This quadrant chart by Software Advice summarizes end-user experiences with Style Intelligence, InetSoft's flagship product. End users normally start with pre-designed dashboards and reports. Intuitive visualization, drilling abilities and responsiveness are key criteria in users' minds. Futhermore, end users will gradually outgrow pre-designed dashboards and reports. At this point, self-service customization and ad hoc reporting will become important. Because user populations are diverse, these self-service features will only be effective if they require zero, or minimum training...
Reporting for Excel and Datamarts - Style Intelligence is a web-based BI solution that can simultaneously mashup data not just from your Excel documents, but also from datamarts, data warehouses, Google Adwords and Analytics, relational databases,, and many more. You won't need to use different reporting tools for different data sources any longer. Style Intelligence integrates them all into a single, web-based solution that can be accessed anywhere from desktop browsers to phones and tablets...
Reporting Software for Small Businesses - Deliver highly graphical, visually appealing, and interactive views into your data with InetSoft's Web-based visualization-driven reporting software. As an innovator in reporting software since 1996, InetSoft has pioneered this evolution towards visualization-driven reporting, and its award-winning software has been deployed at thousands of organizations worldwide and integrated into dozens of other application providers...
Researching BI Solution Options - Researching options for a BI solution? InetSoft has been a pioneering BI provider for over 15 years and has over 5,000 customers worldwide. Last year InetSoft was ranked number 1 in two categories. Gap Between Business Intelligence Requirements and Traditional BI Solutions - From what I have seen in the last 25 to 30 years is that now there is this really interesting opportunity in the BI market. Well it depends on how you look at it. If you are a vendor or consultant you see it as an opportunity. If you practitioner of a business intelligence you see this as a gap that you need to fill. The gap exists because the mission criticality of business intelligence just continues to grow year after year. We will spend a couple of minutes talking about why that is. But on the other hand the overall complexity of business intelligence applications...
Smart Data Analysis Solution - To cut through information overload of running a business, part of your BI strategy must be smart data analysis. Smart data is often described as data with hidden qualities, such as veracity and value. Finding data with these qualities will help a decision maker hone in on and exploit metrics to their fullest potential. The main difference between smart data and normal boring data is that smart data is the best path toward action. KPI's, scorecards, thresholds can all be considered smart data. But smart data is also cause driven. Smart data often attempts to answer the question "What condition lead to this result?"
Style Intelligence Comparison to Tableau - Unlike Tableau and other business analytic providers, Style Intelligence is a self-serving, web-based Java application that utilizes open industry standards throughout its architecture. As such, Style Intelligence doesn't require any client downloads and is operational on any web-enabled device from smartphones to tablets, while being completely J2EE compliant and 64 bit. Meanwhile, most competitors are 32 bit compliant and can only operate on Windows-based devices, while requiring users to download a client to use their software through a thick desktop developer tool. Style Intelligence web-enabled application offers users...
“Flexible product with great training and support. The product has been very useful for quickly creating dashboards and data views. Support and training has always been available to us and quick to respond.
- George R, Information Technology Specialist at Sonepar USA
Saved Months of Reporting Development - "We saved months of development time associated with initial internal development and were able to launch applications faster than if the reporting solution were developed in-house.." - Dhruv Gupta, Vice President of Product Management at AmberPoint. "With InetSoft we are able to provide our customers with advanced business reporting tools to analyze data and make better business decisions." - Priscilla Hung, Vice President of Alliances at Guidewire Software...
Scale a Dashboard Image - InetSoft's BI software applications include an easy dashboard image properties setup that even novice users can master almost immediately. View the dashboard design template below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution. To scale an image, you need to enable image scaling, and then choose the method by which images should scale. Follow the steps below. 1. Right-click the Image component, and select 'Properties' from the context menu. This opens the 'Image Properties' dialog box...
Taken a Visualization Approach - Also, another aspect is the approach; you can't just deliver the same old stuff in these new paradigms. You have to transition and provide it in a way that makes it easier for people to understand as well. So InetSoft has taken a visualization approach to that problem but there are lots of other ways to approach that as well. So if you are not delivering as an IT team or a business person involved with IT for reporting and analytics and so forth, if you are not delivering to your end users tools and technologies that work as...
Target User & Objectives for Business Intelligence - Executives and management consultants agree that effective business process management involves pushing day-to-day decisions down to the line-of-business operations managers. This level of BI supports that by giving them access to information and tools that help them make decisions that improve the performance of their business. The chief benefit of moving operating decisions to this level is that it improves the quality and speed of the decisions. Making that move through new business intelligence can lead to several business benefits...
Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility. |
Transforming a BI Solution - And then they talk about transforming a BI solution to fit the dynamic user requirements, implementing a formal methodology, agile software development and techniques and tools to accelerate development testing. Deployment should be ongoing. Scoping should be followed by rapid iterations. Allow for evolving requirements. Use scrum sessions. Do frequent thorough testing with communication with the business...
Using Internal Resources on BI - But different parts of an organization will sort of hold their cards close to their vest. My favorite term for this, I heard somebody use this term once. It's not just data segregation. It's data balkanization. It's like warring factions over the data. So this is related to the previous point where I said there's a performance edge for using internal resources on BI projects versus relying on external resources. In terms of useful functions in a business analytic solution, good search functions are helpful. Anytime you are searching for something, you should be able to search on related pieces of information...
Using Simple Business Reporting Software - Our professional authoring tool combines word-processing grade design with dynamic data manipulation. It enables professionals to develop sophisticated reports by using simple business reporting software – a departure from the traditional requirement of using custom programming. Key benefits include the abilities to deliver professional, high fidelity presentation...
Visualization Subsection of Analysis - Visualization is the subsection of analysis that turns data into visible insight. Traditional data visualization tools used to be aimed at highly trained professionals. They used complicated inputs and statistical models to enable their users to discover low-level patterns. InetSoft's visualization application, the viewsheet, is a business intelligence tool that brings the power of visualization to both business executives and mainstream users alike...
Visualizing the Facts - By visualizing the facts, you can clearly interpret trends in the data to make your decision much easier. Last quarter you served pizza in the cafeteria for the first time and profits were up 32%. This quarter, you stopped serving pizza and profits are back to normal. Smarter decisions lead companies to larger profits, better leads, and an inspired work ethic. Making good decisions about your business is not a skill that comes naturally. You need help; help in the form of evidence that empirically proves that the choice you're about to make is the right one...
Which Business Intelligence Tools - There are many business intelligence reporting tools on the market today. In order to be effective, a BI program must have a user interface which communicates past, present, and predictive views of an organization in a clear and customizable way. BI has made a shift in recent years. The BI analyses which were once a function of specialists and IT personnel are now the tasks of many employees across various departments. These new users are less technically oriented, so they require an interface that is more intuitive; one which can be mastered with a minimum of training...