More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's FreshBooks Dashboarding Tool
Alternative Baan (Infor) Dashboard Report Provider - InetSoft has an easily customized BI solution for the Baan (Infor) ERP platform. Dashboards and reports can be created very quickly that will increase visibility into process performance metrics and a reduce manual labor associated with information gathering and presentation...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Better Analytics for ERP Systems - Style Intelligence by InetSoft is a fully featured BI solution for your business. The dashboards you can create serve as a perfect alternative to traditional ERP systems, monitoring your entire business for less...
Better PeopleSoft Dashboard Reports - In addition to accessing almost any open standards data source, InetSoft's BI application for dashboards, reports, and enterprise mashups can also access PeopleSoft data. InetSoft's BI solution is a good choice if you are interested in...
Business Intelligence Without a Data Warehouse - Do you assume you need ETL tools and a data warehouse for a BI solution? Our data dashboard tools offer Web based reporting and dashboard software that accesses disparate data sources directly...
BI Software for CRMs - Looking for good business intelligence software for CRMs? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboarding with a drag-and-drop designer for business users. We are top rated for customer service by G2 reviewers. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Building a Sales KPI Dashboard - A sales KPI dashboard is an essential tool for ensuring further sales growth. By understanding exactly where, when, why, and how sales are increasing or decreasing, managers are fully equipped to coach their sales teams properly...
Create An Integrated Reporting System - InetSoft offers a unique reporting system that can be easily integrated across multiple platforms. InetSoft's software can help you seamlessly pull data from different data sources regardless of the format, source, or platform, so that you can create integrated reports and dashboards...
Customer Data Analytics Software - Marketers must understand their customers in order to fully satisfy their needs. One of the best ways to achieve this is through the strategic use of customer data and analytics. With this informative data, companies can create relevant customer experiences and foster long term relationships...
Customer Data Reporting System - Data today is more varied and prevalent than ever before. Whether you have customer data, sales data, or any other type of data, you are going to need to make sense of and present it. InetSoft makes this easy with Style Intelligence, a fully featured BI solution for your organization. Once deployed, it makes sorting and reporting your data easy...
Definition of Data Management Technology - Data management technology refers to methods used by business to organize, secure, store, and retrieve information. Every company, no matter how large or small it may be, creates an infinite amount of data through its every day activities. Data management technology, typically in the form of software, is used to draw meaningful conclusions and formulate actionable goals...
Evaluate InetSoft's Business Intelligence Reporting Tools - Are you looking for good BI reporting tools? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making business software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented dashboards and visual analyses quickly. View a 3-minute demo and download a free version...
Executive Sales Management Application - Have you entertained thoughts of how you can further scale your business using your CRM if you began integrating an easy to use BI Tool? Then look no further, because it's possible with InetSoft's agile and robust software...
Functions of Business Intelligence - Below you may find useful resources about the BI functions found in InetSoft's software...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Information About Dashboard Apps - Looking for dashboard apps? InetSoft offers free and commercial Web-based dashboard software. View a demo. Try today for free...
List of Business Intelligence Companies - Looking for business intelligence software companies to evaluate? Read articles about InetSoft's BI software, why 5,000 enterprises have selected InetSoft since 1996. View a dashboard software demo and read BI testimonials...
Marketing Agencies Reporting Software - Marketing agencies need client reports so they can show their customers what the agency is doing for their business. Client reporting software is particularly useful to marketing professionals when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns, tracking the performance of blog posts, external website links, and search engine rankings...
Mobile Business Visualization Tools - An effective mobile visualization tool is one that combines the full capability of a desktop visualization software with the convenience of using a hand-held device. InetSoft's award winning data visualization software can be accessed on any mobile device that has a web browser...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Mobile Reporting From InetSoft - Looking for a BI solution that offers effective mobile reporting? Leaving the office doesn't have to mean leaving behind valuable, up-do-date information. InetSoft's Style Intelligence offers access to corporate information via a broad array of mobile devices. Executives can easily track KPI's regardless of where they are...
More BI Intelligence Information - This is a continuation of the table of contents of product information relating to BI, or Business Intelligence, products and solutions from InetSoft. Application highlights include visually-compelling and interactive dashboards that ensure greater end-user adoption plus pixel-perfect report generation...
Portal Dashboard Resources - These pages are useful resources about InetSoft's dashboard software, which has been optimized for embedding into enterprise portals or any ISV's Web-based application...
Product with Reporting Interactivity - This is a table of contents of useful product information about InetSoft's reporting interactivity features within Style Report Enterprise and Style Report Professional. Features from both are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence...
Providing Intelligent Customer Interaction Analytics - I promised that I would suggest the short, but important, methodology that we use to provide intelligent customer interaction. So the first step, needless to say - and that's why I primed you well for this - is having this comprehensive customer profile. It's very important. As I talk with people, I say, if you have a bad customer profile, you are not having an intelligent customer interaction. It's unlikely to happen...
Sales Management BI Application - Data visualization is an art form with InetSoft's BI tools, with self service that gives the end user freedom to explore data. If after reviewing the data the onlooker decides that their is additional data they'd like to incorporate, they can use InetSoft's data mashup to incorporate data from a personal spreadsheet with tables from a data warehouse, all done within the InetSoft data worksheet, with no changes to the original data sources...
Searching For The Best Salesforce Dashboard Examples? Whether you are using or almost any on-premise CRM system, salesforce dashboards can help your business grow. Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is the process of understanding a particular customer base. CRM's are used to counter shifts in customer needs by collecting large amounts of customer data and providing tailored results to those customer shifts...
Self-Service Sales Dashboards - Management and sales professionals normally depend on professionally-built visualization dashboards and reports for their known business needs. However, no design can anticipate all business questions. Flexible interactivity and ad hoc customization by end users becomes essential for quick business decisions. InetSoft's solution allows not only visual manipulation but also governed access to underlying data...