Self-Service KPI Software

Real-Time Monitoring Dashboards

Powered by a Data Mashup Engine

risk free dashboard example

Award winning, trusted by 5,000+ customers since 1996

G2 Crowd Dashboard Software High Performer
Software Advice Dashboarding Application FrontRunner
Easily prepare data and design KPI reports in a single web app
Built-in, in-depth self-service dashboarding for all users
Bring reporting software to your data, in-cloud or on-premise

Risk Free Starter:

We create dashboards with your data (or mentor you to do so)
You use the dashboards/software for free (as a single user)

Business Users: Interactive Dashboards with Rich Customization and Self-Service

Built-in, in-depth interactivity and customization allows business users to dynamically reshape pre-designed dashboards for changing business needs with zero training. Self-service dashboarding further empowers business users with direct access to underlying data assets in a governed and secure environment.
ad-hoc customization reports
ad-hoc customization reports

Designers: Rapidly Prepare Data and Design Dashboard Reports

Designers can prepare and mashup data from many data online and on-premise sources. Dashboard design is integrated with data preparation in a single web app. The same web app is also user portal where designers can engage business users even during dashboard design.
scorecard data mashup

Sample Customers


Data Specialists: Mashup Machine Learning with Business Intelligence

InetSoft's built-in machine learning foremost allows data scientists to easily productionalize ML models so that business users can visualize and interact with machine learning models. ML and BI mashup delivers a level of intelligent dashboards that is not possible in traditional dashboard solutions.
ad-hoc customization reports

What KPIs Do Livestock Management Companies Track Using KPI Software?

  1. Herd Health:
    • Mortality Rate: Monitoring the percentage of animals that die within a specified period.
    • Disease Incidence: Tracking the occurrence of diseases within the herd.
  2. Reproductive Performance:
    • Calving or Birthing Rate: Calculating the number of live births within the herd.
    • Conception Rate: Measuring the percentage of successfully inseminated females that become pregnant.
  3. Feed Efficiency:
    • Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR): Assessing how efficiently livestock convert feed into body weight.
    • Average Daily Gain (ADG): Monitoring the weight gained by animals per day.
  4. Animal Weight and Growth:
    • Average Weight: Tracking the average weight of animals in the herd.
    • Weight Gain Percentage: Monitoring the growth rate of animals over a specific period.
  5. Cost of Production:
    • Cost per Head: Calculating the cost associated with raising each animal.
    • Cost of Feed per Unit of Weight Gain: Evaluating the efficiency of feed utilization in relation to weight gain.
  6. Labor Efficiency:
    • Labor Hours per Animal: Measuring the amount of labor required for the care of each animal.
    • Labor Productivity: Assessing the efficiency of labor in relation to the size of the herd.
  7. Animal Welfare:
    • Behavioral Indicators: Observing and assessing animal behavior for signs of stress, discomfort, or illness.
    • Facility Conditions: Monitoring the state of facilities to ensure they meet animal welfare standards.
  8. Inventory Management:
    • Stocking Density: Evaluating the number of animals per unit of space in a facility.
    • Inventory Turnover: Assessing how quickly animals are sold or moved through the production cycle.
  9. Genetic Performance:
    • Genetic Selection Index: Utilizing genetic data to select animals that contribute positively to desired traits.
    • Breeding Efficiency: Measuring the success of breeding programs in achieving desired genetic outcomes.
  10. Water Usage Efficiency:
    • Water Consumption per Animal: Monitoring the amount of water consumed by each animal.
    • Water Quality: Ensuring the availability of clean and safe drinking water for livestock.
  11. Environmental Impact:
    • Carbon Footprint: Assessing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with livestock production.
    • Waste Management Efficiency: Monitoring the management of manure and waste.
  12. Downtime and Maintenance:
    • Equipment Downtime: Tracking the time equipment is out of service for maintenance or repairs.
    • Preventive Maintenance Completion Rate: Ensuring timely completion of scheduled maintenance tasks.