Product Information About Reporting Solutions
This is a table of contents of useful product information about InetSoft's reporting solution for Style Report Enterprise. Its features are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence:
Deploying A Report From The Designer - Reports are usually deployed to the Repository by an administrator using the Enterprise Manager. However, a report template can also be deployed directly through the Report Designer. First, verify that an administrator has enabled ‘Live Deployment’ in Enterprise Manager, and that the Administration Servlet is currently running. Then follow the steps below. 1. Open the report template in Designer. 2. Click the ‘Deploy’ button. This opens the ‘Deploy Report’ dialog box. 3. Enter the ‘Server URL’ and login information for the Repository Servlet. 4. Enter the ‘Folder’ and ‘Report Name’ under which the deployed report should appear in the Repository. If the specified folder does not already exist in the Repository, the folder will be created. 5. Specify the permission settings for the deployed report. Select ‘Use folder permission’ to inherit permissions from the deployment folder. Select ‘Grant all permissions to owner only’ to give report permission only to the user who deploys the report. 6. In the ‘Copy Files’ panel, select the resources that should be deployed along with the report. These resources include the following registry files...
Click this screenshot to view a two-minute demo and get an overview of what InetSoft’s BI dashboard reporting software, Style Intelligence, can do and how easy it is to use. |
Deploying a Report - One of the easiest ways to deploy reports to a Web server is using the Live Deploy feature of the Report Designer. Once a report is deployed, users can view it within the Report Portal. In the following example, you will deploy the “Sample Sales Report” report that you saved in the previous section. Before you can Live Deploy the report, you must ensure the Live Deploy option is enabled in Enterprise Manager. Follow the steps below: On Unix, run the file in the bin directory of the Style Intelligence installation. 1. Launch Enterprise Manager from the Windows 'Start' menu: Start → All Programs → Style Intelligence→ Style Intelligence Server. This starts the sever, and opens a browser window to the InetSoft Home page. 2. Click the link for 'Enterprise Manager'. This opens the login screen for the Enterprise Manager (http://localhost:8080/sree/EnterpriseManager). 3. Log into Enterprise Manager with the default username “admin” and password “admin”. 4. Under the main Server tab in Enterprise Manager, expand the 'Server' node in the navigation tree on the left. 5. Select 'Deployment'. 6. Click the checkbox next to 'Enable live report deployment'...
Deploying Report WAR Files - The following provides information about deploying report WAR files using InetSoft's powerful reporting software - the leading providing of dashboards, reports, and visual analytics. When not using the Enterprise Manager, it is possible to create WAR files manually. After a WAR file is created, it can be deployed in any web server which supports the servlet 2.2 specification and allows WAR files to be used for deployment. The procedures for creating and deploying a WAR file in these servers are documented in this appendix. If you have a server that supports WAR files and is not covered in this section, or if there is any discrepancy between the instructions in this document and in the application server document, please refer to the documentation of the web server to find detailed instructions for deploying WAR files. A WAR file is a regular JAR file with a special directory structure. The root directory of the archive file serves as the document root for serving files that are part of the application. A special directory, WEB-INF, contains all servlet JAR files, class files, and resources...
Deployment of Reports - Deployment of reports is simple with InetSoft's reporting software. Reports can be sent out to mass audiences at scheduled intervals to meet custom needs. This software's runtime does not require any special installation. It is provided as a set of library (.jar) files that are made accessible using the classpath. This software's runtime does not require any special installation. It is provided as a set of library (.jar) files that are made accessible using the classpath. The sree.home parameter refers to the directory containing the configuration files and examples for your environment, and is specified as an initialization parameter in the Administrator Servlet and the Repository Servlet. During report development, we recommend maintaining reports in a replet repository specified through the Enterprise Manager. This procedure simplifies the deployment of replets for testing and editing. The repository may also be maintained for internal viewing purposes. You can enable developers to deploy reports directly from the Report Designer by selecting the 'Live Deployment' option on the 'Deployment' page. By default, live deployment is disabled...
Derby Reporting Tool - Looking for a good solution for Apache Derby dashboard reporting, such as for your online transaction processing? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking cloud-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. It complements Derby well, as it is also a small footprint Java-based application. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Designing a Parameter Report - Designing report parameters is easy with InetSoft's reporting software and it's robust tool set. In the example that follows, you will create a parameter sheet that prompts the user for a list of products. First, you will need to create a new report that uses parameter prompting. Follow the steps below: 1. Click the Design tab in the Portal, and select ‘Report’. This opens the Report Wizard screen. 2. Click the ‘Table Wizard’ link to create a new report. (See New Report Wizards for more information about creating reports.) 3. On the ‘Select a data source’ screen, select the ‘Order Details’ query from the ‘Orders’ node. Click ‘Next.’ 4. Click ‘Next’ on each subsequent screen until you reach the ‘Filtering conditions’ screen. 5. On the ‘Filtering conditions’ screen, enter “[Product] [is] [one of]” for the beginning of the condition. 6. Select the ‘Parameter’ checkbox, and enter “product” in the ‘Label’ field. This will be the parameter name. 7. Enable the ‘Use Selection List’ option. (This provides a selection list when default prompting is used.) 8. Click ‘Append’ to add the condition to the table. (See Filtering for full information on adding conditions...
Designing Reports for Section 508 Compliance - Consider the following points when designing reports for compliance with Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Set the 'Tooltip' property for all Image elements. Set the 'Tooltip' property for all Form Elements. Do not convey information solely by using color. Augment color cues with other visual cues or text. Avoid complex table structures such as those created with Formula Tables. Complex tables may not be representable to users in an accessible manner. Avoid using components that cause the screen to flicker. For example, do not use animated images or background color changes with frequencies between 4Hz and 59Hz. Use Heading numbering in reports to comply with PDF export accessibility requirements. Set the 'Title' property for the report (under the Document Info tab of the 'Setting Report Properties' dialog box)...
Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility. |
DHTML Report Options - InetSoft's flexible reporting software gives users the power to customize their report display and interactivty with dhtml report options. The DHTML pages allow you to configure options for report display and report interaction. These options allow you to tailor the appearance of the web-based report repository. Those options dealing with the report itself, such as the toolbar options, are applicable to both the Portal interface and the tree interface, whereas the other options only apply to the tree interface. A parameter dialog HTML template contains both regular HTML and three special tags, $(report.parameters), $(report.title), and $(report.description), which correspond to the report parameter fields, title, and description. When prompting for parameters, the parameter dialog will be generated by loading this template and substituting the appropriate values for the tags. A CSS file can be used to style the Parameter dialog. The CSS file can contain any possible ID or Class that is in the editable parameter window, for example, body{} or option{}...
Difference Between Production Reporting and Business Intelligence Systems - I find a lot of enterprises struggle with operational reporting and the difference between production reporting and business intelligence systems. You know classic financial production reports are those that run against a single operational system or what we call ERP system. Typically they’re not capturing a lot of historical data. They’re just looking for information about current activity in those reports. A lot of those reports are inflexible and costly to change because either they came with the ERP package if it was a reporting package the company had purchased to run that ERP system, or it was built by an IT department running directly against the operational system and the schema for those systems is very complex so to build a report against them takes a lot of time and expertise so it’s obviously costly to change. So displaying current data, being costly to change, being fairly inflexible, these are the attributes of operational reporting and are the result of running reporting against one system and not having an integrated view of the business or multiple processes put together...
View a 2-minute demonstration of InetSoft's easy, agile, and robust BI software. |
Do You Need to Know SQL to Use a Web-based Report Writer? - It is not always necessary to know SQL to use a web-based report writer. Many web-based report writers have a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create reports without writing any SQL. However, if you want to create more complex reports or if you want to have more control over the data that is included in your reports, then you will need to know SQL. Here are some of the benefits of knowing SQL when using a web-based report writer: You can create more complex reports that include multiple data sources and filters. You can have more control over the data that is included in your reports, such as selecting specific fields or rows. You can troubleshoot problems with your reports more easily. You can be more flexible in how you create and modify your reports. If you are interested in learning SQL, there are many resources available online and in libraries. There are also many SQL courses that you can take online or in person...
Domo Reporting Tool Alternative - Searching for a Domo reporting tool alternative? InetSoft's advanced flexible BI application makes a good option. Get paginated reporting, interactive dashboards, and a data mashup engine from a pioneer in self-service BI since 1996. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Distributing Materialized Report Views - Users of InetSoft's reporting software can greatly improve the performance of reports by allowing users to distribute materialized report views that vastly improve report run-time. A materialized view is a construct in which data is pre-aggregated and cached, enabling Viewsheet results to be more quickly computed at runtime. When a materialized view exists, the report engine attempts to query the cached view rather than the original database tables, which may significantly reduce the run time for certain queries. Only Viewsheets that contain aggregated data can be considered candidates for materialized views. For best performance, aggregation should generally be performed in the worksheet rather than in the Viewsheet. To improve performance, you can distribute a materialized view across multiple machines. Materialized views are available only for Viewsheets. Materialized views can be managed from the 'Repository' > 'Materialized View' node under the Server tab. The following sections provide more information about management...