More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Tool for C-Level Program Reporting
Ad Hoc Reporting for Finance - Today we are going to talk about financial ad hoc reporting tools, and answer two questions on exactly what are they and what does it take to run them...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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BI Products Pricing Overview - InetSoft can be licensed for both in-cloud and on-premise deployments. Licenses are always customized for each customer according to usage and data needs...
Business Intelligence Program Solutions - InetSoft's business intelligence program is an easy-to-use and affordable business intelligence software for all types of industries. Through InetSoft's top-notch application, users can retrieve, analyze, and visualize data of any type, for better business intelligence...
Business Intelligence Use Cases - Read more case studies of how organizations are using business intelligence solutions. Some provide their managers performance management dashboarding. Others use data mashup technology to combine disparate data sources to provide comprehensive dashboard reporting. All of them leverage InetSoft's business intelligence technology to derive intelligence from their data...
Business Internet Reporting Tools - Are you searching for an online reporting solution for your business? InetSoft Technology's Style Intelligence is a complete BI suite that offers reporting and dashboard capabilities in a zero-client web-based environment. Get...
Centralized Dashboarding Application - The medical device company will use the dashboards created via InetSoft's Style Intelligence to consolidate the graphic reporting functionality of several disparate applications into one centralized dashboarding application to be used by the management team and C-Level executives...
Deliver Different Levels Of Visualization - We're giving them a tool set with the capability to deliver different levels of visualization that cater to different skill sets in the company...
Dashboard System Choices - There are three varieties of dashboard systems on the market today: web-based tools, standalone tools, and desktop widgets. Web-based tools are exactly what they sound like: dashboard systems hosted entirely online through your browser...
Dashboarding Tools in C-level Area - Companies have really focused lately on interactive real-time dashboarding tools, and that's moving really into their C-level area where people manage their companies...
Embeddable Reporting Better than Power BI - This is a table of contents of useful product information about embeddable reporting elements within InetSoft's Style Report Enterprise and Style Report Professional. Features from both are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence...
Free Reporting Software No Download Required - Are you looking for free report software? InetSoft offers a version of its commercial BI software that requires no download. This cloud-based report tool is called Visualize Free. Upload your xls or csv file and use the intuitive analysis creator to make interactive visual analyses with advanced chart types...
Functions of Reporting Applications - Below you may find useful resources about the BI functions found in InetSoft's software...
InetSoft is Better than Tableau - Consider InetSoft's easy, agile and robust BI solution, Style Intelligence. InetSoft's BI software application benefits business-end users with superior capabilities and more flexibility than what Tableau has to offer...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Most Agile Dashboard Application - Looking for an agile dashboard application? InetSoft offers free and commercial Web-based dashboard software that enterprises can deploy quickly, and ISV's can embed easily into their own applications. View a demo...
Options for Reporting Layout - This is a table of contents of useful reporting dashboard information related to InetSoft's Style Report Enterprise. Its features are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence...
Paginated Report Gallery - View and interact with dashboards, analyses and paginated reports...
Parameterized Personalized Reports - Professional designers can easily personalize reports with parameters. Data level security models can be specified by user, group, or roles. Once specified, business users accessing the same report will get reports tailored according to permission and business rules...
Persistence of Queued Reports - InetSoft's reporting software provides users with a report repository that allows users to modify their data in a simple ordered and logical manner. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution...
Process for Building a KPI Dashboard - You should start with a top-down approach, work with senior management to find out what they think the key performance indicators are. "Key" is important in order to come up with a finite number of truly important metrics...
Recommending Data Visualization Tools - making recommendations to users about how to look at data, while it would be extremely valuable, has got to be very difficult to program...
Software for Chart Graphing - Looking for tools for graphing a chart? InetSoft provides both free and commercial chart graphing tools. View a demo and try them out for free...
Tools for Custom Reporting - InetSoft offers innovative and customizable report tools. They are included in InetSoft's flagship platform Style Intelligence, a complete operational business intelligence software, or as a stand alone reporting tool known as Style Report Enterprise...
Versatile BI User Interface - InetSoft's Style Intelligence features a user interface that meets the needs of these new BI users...
Which Ad Hoc Query Tool? - Looking for an ad hoc query tool? InetSoft offers ad hoc query and reporting software to build ad hoc queries with a drag and drop designer. The query application includes powerful database access capabilities connecting to disparate data sources and permitting ad hoc query analysis for business users and database analysts alike. Based on a product that has won 8 JDJ Readers Choice Awards in a row, there are two editions...
Why Choose InetSoft's BI Software - Since 1996 InetSoft has been an innovating developer of business dashboard software. To date, our software has been used by over 5,000 organizations across the world and has been embedded into commercial solutions of other ISVs and SaaS providers. Read customer and partner reviews on G2 Crowd and Software Advice...
Why InetSoft's BI Platform - A visually interactive and user friendly BI platform, InetSoft's Style Intelligence can extract data from both small and large sources, to create a single source of actionable information. InetSoft's intuitive interface makes it easy for both executives and everyday users to get the most insights from their organization's data...