InetSoft Product Information: Tools for Developing CIO Dashboards
Looking for tools for developing CIO dashboards? InetSoft offers Web-based dashboard software that is easy to use and quick to deploy. Build dashboards to show IT metrics that CIO's care about. View a demo.
Dashboard Objects - This section lists objects for for use in interactive dashboards and visual analyses. A Tab element advances the printing to the next tab stop. The Tab element also serves as the superclass of the Text Object. The properties defined in the Tab element are also available in a Text element for controlling the behavior of tabs in the text string. A heading object is a special Text element. Like a regular Text element, a heading object displays a block of text. In addition, a heading object has a heading level, which has two uses: • The heading level determines the heading number (e.g., 1.2, 2.1.1., etc.) that is added to the heading text. • The heading level is used to construct the Table of Contents, if the report contains one. Table elements display tabular data. Tables can flow across pages, or horizontally break between pages. By default, table sizes (including column width and row heights) are automatically calculated based on the cell contents. You can use built-in table styles to control display attributes such as font, color, and alignment. Therefore, a report application normally does not need to specify many table attributes in script...
Click this screenshot to view a two-minute demo and get an overview of what InetSoft’s BI dashboard reporting software, Style Intelligence, can do and how easy it is to use. |
Dashboard Product as a Collaboration Tool - It seems to me almost to be creating a new segment in our space that these tools that have all of these different features that enables that type of use, are kind of cropping up and creating a new set of value for especially for business users. And I think we have been around this world of BI a long time and we have watched adoption rates slowly creep up. And I think that this type of technology, this ability to explore, have a wider access to information, to kind of site step or jump over IT and all of these things play into this category then along with technologies like In-Memory Analytics and so on, all of them are part of the recipe that enables this to occur. And I see a big trend in that area and I think it’s a powerful trend and a smart one. Well I am a big fan of anything that makes it easier and simpler but still adds power and those seems to be the parts and pieces that are making out that segment right now. The InetSoft server is a collaboration tool. So I can publish this dashboard up to the server...
Dashboard Prototyping Tool - Are you looking for a good dashboard prototyping tool? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. Get cloud-flexibility for your deployment. Minimize costs with a small-footprint solution. Maximize self-service for all types of users. No dedicated BI developer required. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Dashboard Registry Directory - Users can set up the dashboard registry directory to draw data from specificied access points for optimal querying capabilities. When you first install Style Intelligence, the default Registry directory is populated with a number of example data sources, queries, reports, and other assets which are provided for learning purposes. In most cases, when you begin to develop your own reports and assets, you will find it helpful to use a Registry that is not cluttered with these sample materials. It is recommended that you back up files before deleting. To create a clean Registry directory in the existing SREE Home location (WEB-INF/classes), remove all of the files currently in the SREE Home directory, except for the following two essential files: • (audit database settings) • (servlet configuration settings) You may also wish to retain the following files in this directory: dashboard-layouts.xml, which is required for users to construct dashboards, and adhocWizard.xml, which is required for the users to access the Ad Hoc Wizards...
View a 2-minute demonstration of InetSoft's easy, agile, and robust BI software. |
Dashboard Report - Industry analyst report from Dashboard Insight and Lyndsay Wise. Dashboards are quickly becoming the most popular way to quickly and easily monitor company performance. With so many dashboard solutions to choose from, how do you know which is best for your organization. We were actually surprised by its ease–of–use for end–users when we started to see sales managers creating their own dashboards without special training or support from us in IT...