Examples of Key Business Metrics
In the above screen, sales, quantity, and performance vs quota are visible. Other marketing KBMs that can be tracked include: customer acquisition cost (CAC) ratio, sales and marketing cost ratio, average order size, and pipeline dollars per dollar of investment.
Supply chain KBMs contain: number of PO line items with detailed production plan, upside supply chain flexibility, return on assets, and rule management cost.
Common sales KBMs that are tracked include: frequency of business partner sales update, words to sale (phraseology efficiency), order fulfillment costs, number of sales, and sales person productivity.
Popular HR KBMs are: age of HR strategy, percentage of HR budget spent on training, HR department cost per FTE, and HR FTE to total FTE ratio.
Last but certainly not least, seeing as how it has more KBMs than any other sector, examples of finance KBMs include: tax expense, value chain finance costs, return on capital employed (ROCE), economic value added, and internal financing ratio.