More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's YouTube Reporting Tool
About InetSoft's Report Designer - InetSoft's Style Report software (available stand-alone or as part of Style Intelligence, InetSoft's business intelligence software, provides many report elements that can display data through text and graphics. Tables, charts, and other advanced report components can all be used in a single report and modified with individual data binding, formatting, and display properties...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Ad Hoc Report Layout Product - InetSoft's Ad Hoc report software provides users with sophisticated layout tools that ensure a high level of satisfaction through self-service...
ASP.NET Embedded Reporting Tools - Style Intelligence offers users the ability to serve data needs in a single compact, multi-paneled dashboard that otherwise would have required paging through dozens of static reports based on older technologies. InetSoft's technology is easy, agile, and robust...
Best 2-Minute Intro Demo to InetSoft - View a short 2-minute presentation to get an overview of how InetSoft's data mashup enables visual analytics, pixel-perfect reporting and machine-generated intelligence...
Business Flash Reporting Tools - Are you searching for a business reporting tool guaranteed to work on-the-Web or on-the-go? At InetSoft Technology, we have offered the very best in Flash-based report and dashboard creation. Our legacy application, Style Intelligence Classic supports Flash, and now our current generation utilizes HTML5 instead...
Defining Hyperlink Tool Tips in a Report - The tool tip for a hyperlink can be made dynamic, to include field values for the current record. This only applies to the table element. The field value is inserted using the format {field name}. e.g A table bound to the All Sales query could have the hyperlink tool tip defined as: 'Invoice for order {Order Number} placed by {Employee}'...
Do Sales Team Reporting - expand a little bit on your ability to do sales team reporting, being able to report on the performance of individual members of the sales team and some of the different ways that you might be able to represent their performance graphically...
Evaluate InetSoft's Online Dashboards and Reporting Software - Looking for good online dashboards and reporting software? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboards and production reporting. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Focuses on Enterprise Reporting - InetSoft's Style Report Enterprise is an edition of Style Intelligence that focuses on enterprise reporting. It provides production reports, interactive reports and ad hoc reports in a zero client, web environment. This application meets the needs for anyone searching for ad hoc reporting, J2EE reporting and Web based reporting...
Javascript Reporting Tool Solutions - InetSoft provides user-friendly javascript reporting tools that allow business users to tailor dashboards and reports with javascript to adapt to even the most unique reporting needs. Utilizing a Java reporting framework offers multiple advantages to end users over other reporting software, making reporting less of a hassle and more efficient for businesses...
How to Monitor ETL Processes - Another part of these ETL processes is monitoring them via a dashboard. Once you've loaded that data, you're going to be doing data loads, you're going to be loading new data into that on a recurring basis. Think of your ERP loading into a data warehouse...
Style Report Enterprise - These pixel-perfect reports are ideal for online and offline distribution. When used online, they also complement analytic visual dashboard reports nicely. Data streaming, pagination, and searching allows users quickly jump to relevant pages...
User-friendly Java Reporting Framework - InetSoft provides a user-friendly Java reporting framework that allows business users to create professional, high performance reports. Utilizing a Java reporting framework offers multiple advantages to end users over other reporting software, making reporting less of a hassle and more efficient for businesses...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Using Reporting Tools in a Data Warehousing Environment - Take your data warehousing capabilities to the next level with InetSoft's BI Solution. Style Intelligence enhances data utilization by employing a powerful data mashup engine, providing a convenient web-based platform, and offering efficient tools for creating compelling dashboards and reports...
Various Types of Reporting Software - Interested in finding different types of reporting software? Since 1996, InetSoft has been an innovator in offering easy to use, but powerful interactive, Web-based reporting software. Articles below provide more related information to help you. Also, look at the nav menu above to see examples and read reviews. A free evaluation is available...
Web Based BI Tools for Business - Are you looking for the best web based BI tools? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making BI software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented dashboards and visual analyses quickly. InetSoft's data mashup engine solves the data access and transformation challenges that other tools cannot. View a demo and read customer reviews...
What are the Benefits of a Visual Reporting Solution? Today we're going to focus on visual reporting and analysis, what is it, what benefits does it provide? We're going to summarize some of key research points and then go to three examples of such an application. First we'll look at an example with a top college, second with a major airline, and third with work with a pipeline analysis...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
What Is a Good Report Designer - Since 1996 InetSoft has been offering reporting software applications that are flexible and powerful, serving over 5,000 enterprises and solution providers worldwide. Reporting has always been tightly coupled to everyday business activities. As a result, reporting requirements tend to change very often. Traditionally, when such changes occurred, you were forced to rely on developers or IT staff to revise your reports to meet the new requirements...
Which Business Intelligence Tools Have the Best User Interface? There are many business intelligence reporting tools on the market today. In order to be effective, a BI program must have a user interface which communicates past, present, and predictive views of an organization in a clear and customizable way...
Zero-client Online Reporting Tool - InetSoft makes software that provides reporting, dashboard, and analysis in a zero-client solution. Our Web based Online Reporting Tool is 100% Java so it can be deployed in any computing topography providing the easiest support for large numbers of users whether they be inside or outside of the organization, wherever geographically they may be dispersed, and whatever computing platform they run...