BI and Mobility Solutions - When you hear the phrase "BI and mobility solutions," what do you think of? Is it possible? How is it done? InetSoft’s operational business intelligence platform, Style Intelligence, is mobile friendly, supported on iPhones, iPads, and Android-based tablets. With InetSoft's solution, you can design a mobile-optimized dashboard that has the same data mashup, querying, and transformation layer as the desktop version. This design-one, deploy everywhere approach allows you to easily equip your users with mobile BI...
BI and the Ipad Revolution - Alright, ladies and gentleman, back here on DM Radio. And last but certainly not least, one of our veteran performers is here on the show. Byron Igoe of InetSoft, welcome back to DM Radio...
BI Customized for the Google Generation - Absolutely. And this is something that we are seeing constantly. It's not just about a new generation of people coming in with different expectations. That’s definitely a factor, but it's the fact that we are now constrained, there is less resources, people need to move faster, and the old ways just aren't keeping up. And it has to change. But there is another aspect that I think is actually kind of interesting, which I don’t think is actually said very often, which comes up when you think about what you do with Google...
BI Software: Leading Vendors - The ever increasing need for BI software has created a crowded marketplace with an ovewhelming array of options. But the right BI software is one that will create permanent solutions for your company's data interpretational, plus presentational needs, while at the same time lowering IT labor costs. Founded in 1996, InetSoft has spent nearly two decades refining and expanding it's software's functionality, keeping ahead of industry needs...
BI Vendors for Insurance Industry - Are you in the insurance industry and looking for a BI vendor? Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Piscataway, NJ, InetSoft Technology is the ideal BI vendor for the insurance industry in America, providing solutions which allow your business to easily analyze and interpret data, making day to day business activities run smoother. American insurance companies are among the largest, diverse, and most complex of organizations. InetSoft’s BI can save your company the chaos that often comes with trying to utilize mountains of data. InetSoft’s software is ideal for insurance industry business intelligence activities...
BI Trends of 2014 - There are always new trends coming out of the BI marketplace. New needs are always developing, and BI vendors are constantly finding new ways to satisfy those needs. These new trends result in a constant improvement of operational efficiency. InetSoft's operational BI platform, Style Intelligence, is on the leading edge of many of this year's BI trends. Here, we will explore some of the coming BI trends of 2014, and see how they are in accordance with InetSoft's solution....
Big Data Companies - As a software that adheres to the open-source standards, InetSoft's Style Intelligence will be compatible with whatever company that you choose for storing massive data sets. We have evaluated and compiled a list of distinctive companies to consider for managing your Big Data needs. All of these can be integrated and mashed up with more traditional sources, using InetSoft's Solution....
“Flexible product with great training and support. The product has been very useful for quickly creating dashboards and data views. Support and training has always been available to us and quick to respond.
- George R, Information Technology Specialist at Sonepar USA
Big Data Trial - Have you been feeling limited regarding what can be done with your Big Data sources? Have you wondered about ways of combining data from your Big Data sources with other data sources? InetSoft allows users to download a free 5-day trial copy of Style Intelligence, a complete BI solution that is compatible with Big Data Sources such as Cloudera, Hadoop, MapR, and SAP HANA....
Biostatisticians' Use of Business Intelligence Software - A biostatistician can utilize business intelligence software in several ways to enhance their work in the field of biostatistics. Here are some common ways in which a biostatistician can leverage BI software: Data integration and management: BI software enables biostatisticians to integrate and manage large volumes of complex data from various sources. This includes collecting, cleaning, and organizing data to create a unified and structured dataset for analysis. BI tools often provide features for data cleansing, transformation, and data modeling, which are crucial for biostatistical analysis. Data visualization: BI software offers powerful visualization capabilities that allow biostatisticians to explore and present data effectively. They can create interactive and dynamic visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and dashboards, to convey complex statistical findings in a more intuitive and understandable manner. Visual representations help identify trends, patterns, and outliers, enabling better insights and decision-making. Reporting and presentation: Biostatisticians often need to communicate their findings to various stakeholders, including researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. BI software provides tools for generating comprehensive reports and presentations with automated updates. This streamlines the reporting process and facilitates the dissemination of statistical results in a clear and compelling manner...
Bitly Custom Data Connector -Bitly is a link management platform that lets users harness the power of their links by shortening, sharing, managing and analyzing links to their content. Billions of links are created every year by millions of users, from individuals to small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.Inetsoft's most recent product release comes with a custom Bitly connector, along with connectors for over 70 other cloud based and on premise sources...
Buffer Dashboard Software - Social media reporting software is crucial for analyzing the results of your various organic channels. Buffer is a software application designed to manage accounts in social networks, scheduling posts as well as analyzing their results. InetSoft’s dashboard software allows social media marketers to create web-based interactive reports that can take the viewer from a high-level view of marketing performance down into the details for further investigation. Advanced visualization allows for a further analysis and multidimensional exploration of data...
Bring Business Intelligence With You - The new ability of sales managers and other involved in partner management or supply chain management to bring business intelligence with them means that they no longer need to download reports in advance or refer to out-of-date data. This results in more opportunities in performance and business relationships. Even though some kind of information access may have existed in the form of Blackberrys and other such mobile devices, the amount of interaction and the scale of functionality is new and is groundbreaking. In fact, if we look at a variety of research that has been done on this topic, we see that they all show the same trends. One survey of 277 companies with business intelligence systems showed that employee usage of these systems doubled once they started using mobile BI. So we see that in the future mobile business intelligence systems will allow us to be in the places where we haven't been to before. In the future with mobile business intelligence, there’ll never be an excuse not to know something. That’s the direction we’re going in. Information will literally follow the business user...
Business Activity Monitoring Meets Business Intelligence - InetSoft's unique data mashup capabilities bridge the gap between traditional BI and BAM software by enabling users to simultaneously compare data from warehouses with real-time transactional processes. In today's increasingly complex business environment, monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) allows executives and operational managers to place a value on activities that are normally difficult to measure, but that nonetheless allow an organization to track its progress toward a goal. While KPIs vary widely according to the size, strategy, nature and niche of an organization, they are always derived from two types of data: real-time (short-term) and historical (long-term). Naturally, having the ability to accurately monitor both dimensions of KPIs simultaneously seems ideal. Afterall, the ability to make day-to-day, short-term changes may bear great affect on long term gains. Conversely, the ability to examine long-term, historical data can lead to improvements in day-to-day operations....
Business Activity Monitoring Software - Organizations today lack reliable end-to-end information regarding their business operations. A business can have a vast amount of data but this data is of little value if intelligent data cannot be extracted. This being said, data must be converted into meaningful information through the use of dashboards, allowing businesses to make strategic decisions, quickly address issues, continue with successful practices and take full advantage of any emerging opportunities. With InetSoft’s Business Activity Monitoring Software, monitoring any company’s data is easy, safe and reliable...
Business Case For Geographic Business Intelligence Project - It is important to not underestimate that you need to step back and make some basic points. Even in a large enterprise, it may well be the case that the CEO is not familiar with GIS and what it can offer. And the mistake sometimes people make is to go into too detailed an explanation of what the technology can offer. From a senior executive’s point of view, they might not discriminate between geographic business intelligence and a spreadsheet of zip codes, and that would be because the benefits have never been articulated to them. There are three main messages to take to this audience. The first is the added value of geographic information. This is simply making the point that there are things that you can only do with a geographic approach that can’t be done with traditional reporting or spreadsheets. List examples that you have in mind for your project. The second message has to do with the concept of business data visualization. Once a chief executive or a CFO sees information that they have not seen before, such as the financial performance of their operations laid out across a map, the level of interest goes through a step change. Mock up an example, preferably using an evaluation version of the software, like we offer...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Business Information Tool - Looking for powerful business information tools? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service business intelligence whose platform includes easy to use design tools. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Business Insights Tool - Looking for a good business insights tool? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. The built-in interactivity of the dashboards enables self-service analytics to answer almost any question and help find insights into business performance. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Business Intelligence Agility Helps Enterprises - Business intelligence agility helps enterprises who need to move quickly and adapt to changing markets and also be the first to market with new products and services. Intelligence throughout the organization, organizations want to be intelligent enterprises to put the name in the magazine they use to write. You want to use information be predictive and proactive rather than reactive. Get ahead of events, and a lot of this is about getting the ability to access and analyze information out to users who really have not had that, in lines of business and in front line, in geographically distributed divisions in organizations. So learning from the data continuously improve decisions and process and then effectiveness as we’re get into really business optimization, improving supply, looking for ways to reduce cost, improve productivity, get performance management going in organizations. So that they can sustain the focus on key objectives and be successful and achieving those objectives. So just look at agility. I think this is a really key point when we look at the deployment of data discovery tools and unified information access. Some of the business things that I think are concerning, particularly those in lines of business, is the short lifespan of success in this age of the internet, the age of the web...
Business Intelligence Analysis - Information on why to evaluate InetSoft's business intelligence analysis software and download a free evaluation copy...
Read the latest news about InetSoft's user friendly BI software and customer successes. |
Business Intelligence Analysts Interviewing Subject Matter Experts - Business modeling is what I am talking about with that business value chain and deconstruction. Here is an example of what that might look like. So we have our Business Intelligence or Business Analyst, a BI or BA. They are interviewing subject matter experts, the business users, the business sponsors, and they are trying to get the requirements in the form of a question or a goal statement as opposed to a paragraph or something or data model. We’re just simply trying to get the business to articulate what they are trying to do. So if we look at an example, and this is an actual example. I have hidden some of the terms, but this was a BI application for cross selling across two business units. One had acquired the other, and they were looking at lost opportunities between the two business units in terms of common customers. So the business question was how many deals did we lose, and that was defined as close lost status. What was the contract value of those deals by time, by business unit, by customer type, that were joint customers by our business segment? Look at them by customer name and by product category and by industry, and as you can see that was the articulation of the need. That story got created in the business values...
Business Intelligence Analytics Software - If you're looking for analysis tools for your business, InetSoft's Style Intelligence™ is for you. Style Intelligence is an inexpensive BI solution which empowers the end user. Since the software only requires excel-level skills, users across your organization can create their own reports and dashboards, resulting in an increase in actionable findings. Other business intelligence software is complex, but Style Intelligence is easy to deploy, easy to administer, and easy to use. Its ease of use enables it to be made pervasive across an organization, putting the power to solve problems in the hands of the users who understand them. The average business user can use this software, which will help in maximizing results, because they best understand the business questions that need to be answered...
Business Intelligence Analytical Tools - Looking for a good business intelligence analytical tool? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service BI with a drag-and-drop designer for business users and is priced competitively with Microsoft Power BI. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Business Intelligence Application Development - Looking for good business intelligence application development tools? InetSoft is a pioneer in providing powerful and flexible software for creating customized dashboard and reporting applications. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Business Intelligence Best Practices - A discussion of how to improve operational and business performance by incorporating three fundamentals beyond the typical reporting and analytical tools. These fundamentals — collaboration, exploration, and integration —allow companies to employ best practices in operational BI. Traditional collaboration, achieved through a mixture of business intelligence reports, desktop application files, e-mails, and other means, is the equivalent of collaborative document editing. The limitations of this approach become apparent as the number of parties involved grows. Moreover, collaborating parties cannot easily build upon each other’s work. Wikipedia is a perfect example, where collaboration is the foundation, instead of the consequence—domain experts participate by building upon existing work in a uniform and open editing environment. InetSoft’s operational BI solutions are designed with the same concept, where domain experts bring their knowledge of a business area and the associated “Data Blocks,” reports, and visualization. These objects are not only intelligence themselves, but also the building blocks for future intelligence needs. The uniform infrastructure exposes the needed data and intelligence while leaving the details to the respective domain experts. This approach drives direct productivity gains throughout the organization and minimizes both the initial IT investment and ongoing maintenance. It also leverages existing investments in business intelligence for new uses...